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Є відповідь

"internal server error" on https://mydomain.com:8000

Fatih Akgun 11 років тому оновлено Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому 1
on my browser when i type https://domain.com:8000 i get internal server error
but when i type https://myip:8000 it works
how do i fix that ?
it worked before please help

pls help.
Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому
This was probably related to cookies; if you update Ajenti, you will receive better error messages.

Change FTP username and password

Alex Hübner 11 років тому оновлено hrm143 8 років тому 25
It would be nice to be able to change the username and password for the FTP and MySQL plugins. Currently, MySQL creates a username called "new-website", no matter what you use as website name and/or identification (domain name(s)).Image 26
Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 років тому
Completed in both MySQL and PureFTPd now

SSL failure

Priit Käärd 10 років тому 0
Hello. I'm quite new to ajenti. I'm using Digital Ocean VPS with Ubuntu 14.10 and I installed this web panel for web hosting. After install, I wasn't able to connect to the panel using MY_IP:8000. On android I got SSL protocol error message, so I tried to use it without ssl. That way it worked, but it keeps holding the message always in front of me to enable ssl, but I can't, otherwise I couldn't access the panel. Could anyone help me?

CentOS 7 Create db and user bug

Igor Pogoriliy 10 років тому 0
Hi. I add a new website and create mysql database and user. When I log in to database like root - I see database. But when i log in like user, i do not see database.

god support

Barry Allard 13 років тому оновлено Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому 0
Are heavily invested in god and so we don't use supervisord.
Є відповідь

Backspace in Terminal creates ^H. Intended?

Martin Ruf 11 років тому оновлено Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому 6

I'd love my Backspace hot and delety :)

Is it possible to do so (or might work on certain browser)?

Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому
Resolvable by changing the default from dash to e.g. bash

how to backup database and file in ajenti v1.2.22.22?

Galih Setyo Pambudi 9 років тому 0

how to backup database and file from ajenti v1.2.22.22? please help me

i cant create ftp. icant known my database

Є відповідь

Ajenti cannot bind on startup

Joren Brunekreef 11 років тому оновлено Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому 1

Є відповідь

Creating basic links and javascripts in layout?

Benjamin Khoo 11 років тому оновлено Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому 8

is it possible to create HREF links and javascript validation in the layout XML files? i have tried to include some and found that it didn't work. i would like to have some links in the layout XML. with some custom javascript controls. how can i get that?

thanks for your help and fast response as always
Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 років тому
Take a look at Custom UI Controls article: http://docs.ajenti.org/dev/custom-controls.html
(you can use JS instead of CoffeeScript too)
Under review

install on centos minimal

Abbas Roshan 10 років тому оновлено Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 років тому 1
Hi and thanks for this grate project.
i have installed centos minimal 6.4 and 6.5 , and install the ajenti as you describe in the installation page.
everything is ok , firewall config is right , but i can not access through port 8000 ,
i did my best , but no way to access through web.
there is not any problem on centos desktop , but i need minimal one.
please help me and tell me the dependencie pakcage for running ajenti on centos minimal.
thanks in advance