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Ajenti 1.0.8 bug report: Please help to solve this?

Mat DIn 11 years ago updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 years ago 0

Ajenti 1.0.8 bug report


Detected platform: centos / centos / "CentOS release 6.2 (Final)"

Architecture: i686 i686

Python: 2.6.6

Installation: 73909422

Debug: False

Locale: ('en_US', 'UTF8')

Loaded plugins:

main ajenti_org dashboard services power users exports smartctl resources webserver_common logs configurator resolv raid apache fm taskmgr codemirror fstab sensors notepad db_common plugins terminal network cron packages iptables hosts scripts



Log content:

2013-09-28 14:44:44,510 INFO     ajenti-panel.<module>(): Using config file /etc/ajenti/config.json

2013-09-28 14:44:45,329 INFO     registry.register_crypt_handler(): registered crypt handler 'sha512_crypt': <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>

2013-09-28 14:44:45,802 INFO     core.run(): Ajenti 1.0.8 running on platform: centos

2013-09-28 14:44:45,809 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin ajenti_org

2013-09-28 14:44:45,827 DEBUG    __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: main

2013-09-28 14:44:45,827 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin main

2013-09-28 14:44:45,890 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin ajenti_org

2013-09-28 14:44:45,931 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin nsd

2013-09-28 14:44:45,946 DEBUG    __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: services

2013-09-28 14:44:45,946 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin services

2013-09-28 14:44:45,951 DEBUG    __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: dashboard

2013-09-28 14:44:45,952 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin dashboard

2013-09-28 14:44:45,969 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin services

2013-09-28 14:44:46,147 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin nsd

2013-09-28 14:44:46,172 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [nsd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nsd)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,174 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin power

2013-09-28 14:44:46,181 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin users

2013-09-28 14:44:46,189 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin exports

2013-09-28 14:44:46,221 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin smartctl

2013-09-28 14:44:46,254 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin samba

2013-09-28 14:44:46,270 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [samba] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smbd)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,272 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin lm-sensors

2013-09-28 14:44:46,295 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [lm-sensors] skipping due to BinaryDependency (sensors)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,296 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin dhcpd

2013-09-28 14:44:46,312 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [dhcpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (dhcpd)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,313 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin resources

2013-09-28 14:44:46,323 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin nginx

2013-09-28 14:44:46,326 DEBUG    __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: webserver_common

2013-09-28 14:44:46,326 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin webserver_common

2013-09-28 14:44:46,330 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin nginx

2013-09-28 14:44:46,345 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [nginx] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nginx)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,346 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin logs

2013-09-28 14:44:46,360 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin munin

2013-09-28 14:44:46,376 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [munin] skipping due to BinaryDependency (munin-cron)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,378 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin configurator

2013-09-28 14:44:46,383 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin ctdb

2013-09-28 14:44:46,410 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [ctdb] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ctdb)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,412 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin resolv

2013-09-28 14:44:46,421 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin raid

2013-09-28 14:44:46,442 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin apache

2013-09-28 14:44:46,466 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin fm

2013-09-28 14:44:46,489 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin taskmgr

2013-09-28 14:44:46,618 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin codemirror

2013-09-28 14:44:46,646 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin bind9

2013-09-28 14:44:46,676 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [bind9] skipping due to BinaryDependency (named)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,677 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin fstab

2013-09-28 14:44:46,691 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin squid

2013-09-28 14:44:46,722 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [squid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (squid3)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,724 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin sensors

2013-09-28 14:44:46,744 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin memcache

2013-09-28 14:44:46,782 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [memcache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (memcached)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,783 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin notepad

2013-09-28 14:44:46,794 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin supervisor

2013-09-28 14:44:46,812 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [supervisor] skipping due to BinaryDependency (supervisord)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,813 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin psql

2013-09-28 14:44:46,820 DEBUG    __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: db_common

2013-09-28 14:44:46,820 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin db_common

2013-09-28 14:44:46,827 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin psql

2013-09-28 14:44:46,856 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [psql] skipping due to BinaryDependency (psql)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,857 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin mysql

2013-09-28 14:44:46,880 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [mysql] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mysql)

2013-09-28 14:44:46,884 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin plugins

2013-09-28 14:44:46,892 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin terminal

2013-09-28 14:44:47,067 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin netatalk

2013-09-28 14:44:47,086 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [netatalk] skipping due to BinaryDependency (afpd)

2013-09-28 14:44:47,090 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin hddtemp

2013-09-28 14:44:47,142 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [hddtemp] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hddtemp)

2013-09-28 14:44:47,144 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin network

2013-09-28 14:44:47,176 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin cron

2013-09-28 14:44:47,216 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin openvpn

2013-09-28 14:44:47,248 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [openvpn] skipping due to BinaryDependency (openvpn)

2013-09-28 14:44:47,249 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin packages

2013-09-28 14:44:47,269 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin megaraid

2013-09-28 14:44:47,297 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [megaraid] skipping due to FileDependency (/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli)

2013-09-28 14:44:47,298 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin iptables

2013-09-28 14:44:47,324 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin hosts

2013-09-28 14:44:47,331 DEBUG    __init__.load(): Loading plugin scripts

2013-09-28 14:44:47,381 INFO     core.start(): Starting SSL tunnel for port 47993

2013-09-28 14:44:47,958 INFO     core.run(): SSL tunnel running fine

2013-09-28 14:44:47,959 INFO     core.run(): Starting server on (u'', 47993)

2013-09-28 14:44:48,164 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout ajenti_org:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,215 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout ajenti_org:config

2013-09-28 14:44:48,240 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:welcome

2013-09-28 14:44:48,248 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:text

2013-09-28 14:44:48,252 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:dash

2013-09-28 14:44:48,291 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:bar

2013-09-28 14:44:48,312 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,317 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,336 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout power:widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,363 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout users:user-list

2013-09-28 14:44:48,377 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout users:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,412 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout exports:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,423 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout smartctl:widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,437 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout webserver_common:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,456 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout logs:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,501 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,528 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout resolv:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,547 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout raid:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,561 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fm:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,586 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fm:config

2013-09-28 14:44:48,591 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout taskmgr:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,603 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:free-widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,605 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,633 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,648 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:iio-widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,657 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:cpu-widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,659 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:progressbar-widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,661 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:value-widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,665 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:cpu-line

2013-09-28 14:44:48,669 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,685 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:listitem

2013-09-28 14:44:48,691 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout db_common:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,713 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout plugins:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,777 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout terminal:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,790 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout terminal:config

2013-09-28 14:44:48,795 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-basic

2013-09-28 14:44:48,808 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,819 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-dhcp

2013-09-28 14:44:48,823 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ipv4

2013-09-28 14:44:48,828 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ifupdown

2013-09-28 14:44:48,834 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:widget

2013-09-28 14:44:48,849 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout cron:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,879 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:installer

2013-09-28 14:44:48,880 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,911 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:headers

2013-09-28 14:44:48,911 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:row

2013-09-28 14:44:48,921 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-interface

2013-09-28 14:44:48,930 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-protocol

2013-09-28 14:44:48,932 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-ports

2013-09-28 14:44:48,933 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:main

2013-09-28 14:44:48,951 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option

2013-09-28 14:44:48,971 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-port

2013-09-28 14:44:48,983 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-state

2013-09-28 14:44:48,985 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-reject-with

2013-09-28 14:44:48,987 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-custom

2013-09-28 14:44:48,989 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-address

2013-09-28 14:44:48,991 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-match

2013-09-28 14:44:49,022 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout hosts:main

2013-09-28 14:44:49,043 DEBUG    inflater.precache(): Precaching layout scripts:widget

2013-09-28 14:44:49,078 DEBUG    feedback.send(): Feedback >> ping ({'id': 8588})

2013-09-28 14:44:50,203 DEBUG    feedback.send(): Feedback << {"status": "ok"}



Please upgrade to 1.1.0


How to add Munin as a website to Nginx using Ajenti V

Bruno 10 years ago updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 years ago 6
I want to have Munin as a website managed by Ajenti V running on http://domain/munin with basic authentication plus local only access, but i can't figure it out on how to do it, i can only seem to get it to work under http://domain/ but not http://domain/munin/ can someone please giveme some help on this?

Nginx module: Advanced PHP FastCGI: Cannot overwrite fastcgi_param values

Michael Daumling 10 years ago 0
When I enter fascgi_param values in the Advanced edit field in the PHP FactCGI section, these statemens are placed at the beginning of the location definition. It would be much better to place them at the end (or maybe offer a checkmark to select where these statements would go).
As it is now, I am unable to e.g. alter the PATH_INFO variable, because fgci.conf happily overwrites my altered values.

FTP connection issue.

Fedor Bakl 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 9
Using Ajenti V on Ubuntu 12.04. Trying to connect with username and password from "websites->ftp" section using website's domain getting:

Connection timed out or server hung up. The server you are connecting to may be configured to limit the number of connections you are allowed to make.

Nothing logged into vsftpd logs. I can connect using my normal ubuntu user and sftp. Would appreciate help!

Permission denied php-fpm socket

Arthur Wiebe 10 years ago updated by Константин Носов 9 years ago 7
Because of a recent PHP update I started getting error in nginx saying it couldn't connect to the upstream PHP-FPM socket.

See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23443398/nginx-... and https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67060 for details.

The fix for this is to add the following to each FPM socket config:

listen.owner = www-data
listen.group = www-data

So for example:

user = www-data
group = www-data
listen.owner = www-data
listen.group = www-data
listen = /var/run/php-fcgi-websitename-php-fcgi-0.sock

Would you be able to include that config as part of the Ajenti generated config so that it's compatible with the latest PHP security settings.


Your Ajenti instance is missing compiled CSS files. (Centos 6.5 EPEL install/Cant login)

gyoza 10 years ago updated by M Hanny Sabbagh 9 years ago 10
There are no errors inside ajenti.log file. attempted to reinstall from scratch with new config files and the same problem occurs. 

There are no warnings or any other errors when you run ajenti-panel -v.
Nevermind, this is indeed a problem with the latest build.

Domain/folder per node app

Ibrahim Chraibi 9 years ago 0
Hello, First of all thanks for this awesome control panel that helps us everyday to be more productive in our startup !

I want to know if is it possible to configure in Ajenti multiple node apps to match domains/folders like so :

App Folder : /home/dev/app1 => http://dev.mydomain.com/app1
App Folder : /home/dev/app2 => http://dev.mydomain.com/app2

Thanks a lot :)


'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x94 in position 17: invalid start byte

Amine Marzouk 9 years ago updated by hrncir39 7 years ago 1
'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x94 in position 17: invalid start byte
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ajenti/plugins/main/main.py", line 163, in handle_message
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ajenti/plugins/main/main.py", line 192, in send_ui
    data = json.dumps(self.ui.render())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py", line 231, in dumps
    return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/encoder.py", line 200, in encode
    chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/encoder.py", line 263, in iterencode
    return _iterencode(o, 0)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x94 in position 17: invalid start byte


File Manager details

Tristan Anderson 10 years ago updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 years ago 1
Great to see the modified date for each file in the file manager

Password protect folders

Bakir Moh 9 years ago updated by Lexy 9 years ago 1

I wonder how to password protect folders in Ajenti? Is that possible?