Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.


Is it possible to configure vsftpd later on through Ajenti?

Crazy Raisin hace 10 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 10 años 1
Is it possible to configure vsftpd later on through Ajenti? or perhaps in a web graphic method?
vsftpd support is only available as a part of Ajenti V right now (FTP access to the websites).

Ajenti not working with IP Address

Venkat R hace 10 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 10 años 5
Hi, I Ajenti is working fine when i use these https://localhost:8000 but it is not working when i use https://ipaddress:8000 . Kindly help to fix this.

Ajenti(latest version) & Ajenti-v(latest version) with all plugin on centos 7 64

Lexy hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 4
i have vps from OVH France, 2048GB ram, 1 cpu core,centos 7 64
i installed ajenti and ajenti v with all plugin on centos 7 , successfully
i have one ip, and one domain
i install pureftpd, nginx,mysql(not mariadb),bind9 on centos 7 , without any error
my installation proces take one week until i succeed,
i search in Google , in all related forum, no where was anything to do with ajenti and centos7
so i had to figure it out with my self
im professional in vps and Linux and webserver
so if you had question about anything to do with ajenti
ask me

i running hundred of site with ajenti
every thing is good and work find

also i use custom name server with bind9
and use mysql on cantos 7 not mariadb
and use openvpn
and install wordpress 4,3 multisite subdomain with wild card, apc cache , w3tc plugin
and so on
every thing you have problem with installation
i done it

be in touch with me , or ask question here

i will answer you and help you

thanks alot to ajenti and developers who made it, i working with control panels for 4 year , i never seen cp like this
its awesome

sorry for my English,be happy


Multi user access?

Noah Dolph hace 10 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 10 años 1
I apologize if there is something for this, but I was wondering if there is multi user access with levels that I could configure? IE: User1 has access to website A settings and config, User 2 has access to Website B settings and config and so on?
By default, non-root users will have access only to websites they have created.

Cron Problem

Luca Bleve hace 11 años 0
Hello, I have a problem with cron, I tried to run the command directly in a curl that give it the path to a. Sh. I set one minutes but nothing starts the script. If you start from the terminal the script works. What is the correct syntax to start a. Sh in the command?

two issues, one might be a bug, one isn't.

Temple Pate hace 10 años 0
I can not login via the single click login via email. It says error with server, but I havn't done anything to it. Unless there is a config I don't know about somewhere. 

Second Nginx is giving me this error after plugging in a php website. No idea what upstream is. 

nginx: [emerg] no port in upstream "None" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/_.conf:27
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

But I checked the file and it has a port number in it so. 

I can install Ajenti on Red Hat 9?

Guillermo Gómez hace 11 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 11 años 0

I can install Ajenti on Red Hat 9?


I highly doubt that since RH9 is a quite aged system. You should have better luck with newer RHEL releases.

En revisión

nginx adding HTTP verbs, 405 method not allowed

Fabio Barone hace 10 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 10 años 8
Not sure if this is ajenti related but I tried a lot else :)

I created a web site in the ajenti panel. It's used to run owncloud. Owncloud supports WebDAV.

I can successfully run owncloud from the web interface, that works perfectly, so the basic config works. 

However, when I try accessing owncloud through a webdav client, I get "405 method not allowed", and the access.log file shows that the client is trying to access with the OPTIONS http verb, and nginx returns 405.

I tried some tutorials and added this entry to the instance's custom configuration:

location / {
   #more stuff
   dav_access user:rw group:rw all:r;
   dav_ext_methods PROPFIND OPTIONS;

This doesn't seem to work though, so I am wondering if nginx doesn't even get to the instance's custom config and rejects these additional methods before...

Any idea how I could enable these methods? Is there any such global config accessible through ajenti? 

Any additional hint/suggestion highly welcome.


NginX FastCGI URL-Pattern

Spancer Am hace 11 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 10 años 5

I run various applications under domain.com/NAME 
Now I want to add each under Website so i can handle the Maintmode separately. 
Not sure where I have to file in what that it works. I think the problem is under FastCGI the URL-Pattern.
No es un bug

Crashed : name 'rootcontext' is not defined

Seungwoo Hong hace 10 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 10 años 3
Image 49
Hi there
We are testing on.
Update all your ajenti and ajenti-v* packages.