Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.


Minecraft server administration

Lochlan Bunn hace 12 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 11 años 5

A plugin for administrating Minecraft servers would be a cool thing. No telling how much it would be used, but the addition of a game plugin isn't a bad thing.


Openvpn plugin keeps connection to management interface alive

Dark Warfighter hace 10 años 0
Since I set up the Openvpn plugin, I noticed that after doing any kind of action on the plugin itself (even showing connected clients only), the plugin keeps telnet connection to Openvpn management interface opened.
After a logout/login cycle the plugin also asks Openvpn username, password and port even if they're properly set up; in this situation the Openvpn management interface doesn't respond from telnet too.
I noticed that restarting Ajenti, the telnet connection is being dropped and Openvpn management interface become accessible again either from telnet and Openvpn plugin.

This webpage is not available

lior hollander hace 11 años actualizado por SisteMarjin hace 8 años 11

Hey i installed Ajenti on centos 6.4 64bit as instructed and i can't login from another computer.

When i tried to start it with "ajenti-panel -v" in ssh it all looks ok except for the following error:

"ERROR SSL tunnel failed to start"

What could be the problem?

Thank you in advance.


Hi Lior, please try the latest 0.99.32 release, issue should be fixed now.


nginx plugin centos

Cristian-Paul Buzle hace 11 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 11 años 3

Nginx plugin shows Dependency unsatisfied for Application binary nginx

CentOS 6.4

nginx version: nginx/1.4.1

which nginx => /usr/local/sbin/nginx

Any ideea?


Nginx config for ajenti "send_timeout 20;" "client_body_timeout 20;" Error: 504 Gateway Time-out

Вадим Максимов hace 10 años actualizado por Angel Curros Fariña hace 7 años 2
Please help set up nginx, namely, change the following items:

Increase or a domain or server ngnix.

I have an error when the long run the script:

"504 Gateway Time-out"

Slovenian language translation - crash

joza_gulikoza hace 11 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 11 años 4


glad to see ajenti.org back online, great work ... respect.


when selecting Slovenian translation (sl_SI) in config panel (or manual editing conf file) ajenti crashes and its not possible to start service again (nothing in logs). other langs are working without problems. have we done smth wrong during translation?? (is that even possible?)

tnx for info


You're right, the translators have screwed up few specially-formatted strings. I've fixed them and they will appear in the very next build.



Какие порты использует?  Есть ли какой-нибудь manual по настройке?

mysql remote host

Tlacaelel Flores Cabrera hace 11 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 11 años 0

I am trying to get the mysql plugin to read from a remote database server, is this possible, I been looking for configuration files but I can't find any, help!!!


Currently it's impossible to do in current version of Ajenti, but I've added hostname option to the next build of MySQL plugin.


Software section doesn't show plugins

Jens Claasen hace 10 años 0
I installed Ajenti on a Ubuntu Server that had Samba already running. I see the Samba and the Services Plugin in the Software section. But i installed e.g. NFS Exports after installing Ajenti, but the Plugin for NFS Exports is not show. About a week ago i installed Ajenti V to get the PureFTPd Plugin and hoped it would fix the problem with NFS Exports too...but it didn't. In the Plugins Section the Plugins don't show any errors.

Need help on this, please.

Cannot access Ajenti on port 8000

Tiny Nas hace 11 años actualizado por imran hace 4 años 60
I'm running Apache 2 on Raspbian and even though Ajenti installed and is running I cannot access it on the default port as my browser says there isn't anything to be displayed.