
Slovenian language translation - crash

joza_gulikoza 11 years ago updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 years ago 4


glad to see ajenti.org back online, great work ... respect.


when selecting Slovenian translation (sl_SI) in config panel (or manual editing conf file) ajenti crashes and its not possible to start service again (nothing in logs). other langs are working without problems. have we done smth wrong during translation?? (is that even possible?)

tnx for info



You're right, the translators have screwed up few specially-formatted strings. I've fixed them and they will appear in the very next build.

thank you for the fix ....

the translation work has been done also by me ... so is there any chance to find out what exactly have we screwed (which string) ?


https://crowdin.net/translate/ajenti/20/en-sl#347 - only text within _(' ')  (a Gettext query) must be translated - see the comment

https://crowdin.net/translate/ajenti/20/en-sl#635 - same + invalid quotes in translation (crash here because of quotes)

https://crowdin.net/translate/ajenti/20/en-sl#644 - same

spasibo bolshoe ... :)

ps: what are the options for financial contributions (to project) ?

I don't think it's fair anymore to ask for donations since Ajenti already pays off through customization & plugin development services.


You're right, the translators have screwed up few specially-formatted strings. I've fixed them and they will appear in the very next build.