Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.


who to setup nameservers

João Carmo Pereira vor 10 Jahren 0
How do I set up my vps to be a nameserver?
can anyone do my a simple fast guide?

supervisor tasks disapperar

Иван Червяков vor 9 Jahren 0

If I try to add programs directly to supervisord panel in AjentiV (latest debian 7 + ajenti + nginx from dotdeb.org)

But, after first run programs disappear from it.

If I try to add them directly to supervisord config, they will disappear with ajenti restart.



Chris Gullo vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) vor 11 Jahren 0
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 ajenti : Depends: python-passlib but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages
And then...

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 python-passlib : Depends: python (>= 2.6.6-7~) but 2.6.6-3+squeeze7 is to be installed
E: Broken packages

Not sure how to fix this. I've tried quite a lot of things. Thank you.

I've replaced passlib package in the repo, do apt-get update and it should work.


Install phpMyAdmin on Ajent V with Ubuntu 14.0

neil vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von Mendim Idrizi vor 9 Jahren 1
it would be nice for an updated tut on the above.

Hardcoded values to config files

JONIK NSK vor 10 Jahren 0
Good idea - is a move hardcoded configs, urls, templates, path to config files in /etc/ajenti/...

For example, how it realized in Plesk Panel:

cat /etc/psa/psa.conf

# Plesk tree
PRODUCT_ROOT_D /usr/local/psa

# Directory of SysV-like Plesk initscripts
PRODUCT_RC_D /etc/init.d

# Directory for config files
PRODUCT_ETC_D /usr/local/psa/etc

# Virtual hosts directory
HTTPD_VHOSTS_D /var/www/vhosts

# Apache configuration files directory
HTTPD_CONF_D /etc/httpd/conf

# Apache include files directory
HTTPD_INCLUDE_D /etc/httpd/conf.d

# Apache binary
HTTPD_BIN /usr/sbin/httpd

# Apache log files directory
HTTPD_LOG_D /var/log/httpd

# Apache startup script.


Litespeed and Percona Support?

Joe L vor 10 Jahren 0
We run Litespeed (a drop in Apache replacement) and Percona (drop in MySQL replacement). I was hoping that since these were both drop-ins, Ajenti would work out of the box. Any ideas for getting them running?


Mario Muzzi vor 9 Jahren 0
Is there any way to debug Node.js service output, and execute string?
For examole I've created http://take.ms/INgOs but it fails, and there is no way to find any log

Apache plugin on CentOS6.4

InteractMarketing vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) vor 11 Jahren 1
I'm trying to install Apache plugin but Ajenti crashes with following errors:

Ajenti 0.99.15 bug report

Detected platform: centos / centos / "CentOS release 6.4 (Final)"

Python: 2.6.6
Installation: 74153198
Debug: False
Loaded plugins:
main cron dashboard terminal scripts services webserver_common sensors power iptables configurator logs smartctl codemirror notepad users packages plugins hosts db_common mysql network raid resources ajenti_org exports taskmgr fstab resolv fm psql

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/plugins/main/main.py", line 98, in on_message
  self.ui.dispatch_event(update['uid'], update['event'], update['params'])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/__init__.py", line 64, in dispatch_event
  self.root.dispatch_event(uid, event, params)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 312, in dispatch_event
  if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 318, in dispatch_event
  getattr(self, k)(**(params or {}))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/plugins/packages/installer.py", line 39, in on_install
  self.context.launch('install-package', package=self.pkg)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'launch'

2013-07-05 13:29:22,829 INFO  registry.register_crypt_handler(): registered crypt handler 'sha512_crypt': <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
2013-07-05 13:29:22,934 INFO  core.run(): Ajenti 0.99.15 running on platform: centos
2013-07-05 13:29:22,937 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin cron
2013-07-05 13:29:22,937 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Cron
2013-07-05 13:29:22,937 DEBUG  __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: main
2013-07-05 13:29:22,937 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin main
2013-07-05 13:29:22,938 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Core
2013-07-05 13:29:22,958 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin cron
2013-07-05 13:29:22,959 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Cron
2013-07-05 13:29:22,964 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin scripts
2013-07-05 13:29:22,964 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Scripts
2013-07-05 13:29:22,965 DEBUG  __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: dashboard
2013-07-05 13:29:22,965 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin dashboard
2013-07-05 13:29:22,965 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Dashboard
2013-07-05 13:29:22,966 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin scripts
2013-07-05 13:29:22,967 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Scripts
2013-07-05 13:29:22,967 DEBUG  __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: terminal
2013-07-05 13:29:22,967 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin terminal
2013-07-05 13:29:22,967 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Terminal
2013-07-05 13:29:22,984 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin scripts
2013-07-05 13:29:22,984 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Scripts
2013-07-05 13:29:22,985 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin webserver_common
2013-07-05 13:29:22,985 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Webserver Commons
2013-07-05 13:29:22,985 DEBUG  __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: services
2013-07-05 13:29:22,985 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin services
2013-07-05 13:29:22,986 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Services
2013-07-05 13:29:22,996 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin webserver_common
2013-07-05 13:29:22,996 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Webserver Commons
2013-07-05 13:29:22,997 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin sensors
2013-07-05 13:29:22,997 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Sensors
2013-07-05 13:29:23,025 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin recovery
2013-07-05 13:29:23,025 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [recovery] Plugin crashed: crashed: No module named recovery
2013-07-05 13:29:23,026 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin power
2013-07-05 13:29:23,026 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Power
2013-07-05 13:29:23,027 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin squid
2013-07-05 13:29:23,027 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Squid
2013-07-05 13:29:23,032 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [squid] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (squid3)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,032 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin health
2013-07-05 13:29:23,033 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [health] Plugin crashed: crashed: No module named health
2013-07-05 13:29:23,033 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin iptables
2013-07-05 13:29:23,033 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Firewall
2013-07-05 13:29:23,035 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin configurator
2013-07-05 13:29:23,035 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Ajenti Configurator
2013-07-05 13:29:23,036 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin logs
2013-07-05 13:29:23,036 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Logs
2013-07-05 13:29:23,038 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin config
2013-07-05 13:29:23,038 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [config] Plugin crashed: crashed: No module named config
2013-07-05 13:29:23,038 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin smartctl
2013-07-05 13:29:23,039 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == S.M.A.R.T.
2013-07-05 13:29:23,044 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin notepad
2013-07-05 13:29:23,045 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Notepad
2013-07-05 13:29:23,045 DEBUG  __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: codemirror
2013-07-05 13:29:23,045 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin codemirror
2013-07-05 13:29:23,046 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == CodeMirror code editor
2013-07-05 13:29:23,046 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin notepad
2013-07-05 13:29:23,046 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Notepad
2013-07-05 13:29:23,047 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin users
2013-07-05 13:29:23,047 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Users
2013-07-05 13:29:23,048 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin core
2013-07-05 13:29:23,048 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [core] Plugin crashed: crashed: No module named core
2013-07-05 13:29:23,049 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin packages
2013-07-05 13:29:23,049 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Package manager
2013-07-05 13:29:23,051 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin lm-sensors
2013-07-05 13:29:23,052 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == LM-Sensors
2013-07-05 13:29:23,056 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [lm-sensors] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (sensors)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,057 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin plugins
2013-07-05 13:29:23,057 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Plugins
2013-07-05 13:29:23,058 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin hosts
2013-07-05 13:29:23,058 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Hosts
2013-07-05 13:29:23,059 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin mysql
2013-07-05 13:29:23,059 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == MySQL
2013-07-05 13:29:23,059 DEBUG  __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: db_common
2013-07-05 13:29:23,059 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin db_common
2013-07-05 13:29:23,060 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Database Commons
2013-07-05 13:29:23,060 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin mysql
2013-07-05 13:29:23,061 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == MySQL
2013-07-05 13:29:23,067 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin network
2013-07-05 13:29:23,067 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Network
2013-07-05 13:29:23,068 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin raid
2013-07-05 13:29:23,069 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == RAID
2013-07-05 13:29:23,077 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin resources
2013-07-05 13:29:23,078 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Resource Manager
2013-07-05 13:29:23,080 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin ajenti_org
2013-07-05 13:29:23,081 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == ajenti.org integration
2013-07-05 13:29:23,083 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin exports
2013-07-05 13:29:23,083 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == NFS Exports
2013-07-05 13:29:23,091 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin hddtemp
2013-07-05 13:29:23,092 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == HDD temperature
2013-07-05 13:29:23,098 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [hddtemp] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (hddtemp)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,099 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin taskmgr
2013-07-05 13:29:23,100 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Processes
2013-07-05 13:29:23,101 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin fstab
2013-07-05 13:29:23,101 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Filesystems
2013-07-05 13:29:23,103 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin netatalk
2013-07-05 13:29:23,104 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Netatalk
2013-07-05 13:29:23,111 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [netatalk] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (afpd)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,111 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin ctdb
2013-07-05 13:29:23,112 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == CTDB
2013-07-05 13:29:23,119 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [ctdb] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (ctdb)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,119 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin nginx
2013-07-05 13:29:23,120 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == NGINX
2013-07-05 13:29:23,127 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [nginx] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (nginx)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,128 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin resolv
2013-07-05 13:29:23,128 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Nameservers
2013-07-05 13:29:23,129 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin fm
2013-07-05 13:29:23,130 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == File Manager
2013-07-05 13:29:23,134 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin munin
2013-07-05 13:29:23,135 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Munin
2013-07-05 13:29:23,141 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [munin] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (munin-cron)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,142 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin advancedcontrols
2013-07-05 13:29:23,143 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [advancedcontrols] Plugin crashed: crashed: No module named advancedcontrols
2013-07-05 13:29:23,143 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin firstrun
2013-07-05 13:29:23,144 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [firstrun] Plugin crashed: crashed: No module named firstrun
2013-07-05 13:29:23,144 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin psql
2013-07-05 13:29:23,145 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == PostgreSQL
2013-07-05 13:29:23,152 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin samba
2013-07-05 13:29:23,153 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Samba
2013-07-05 13:29:23,160 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [samba] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (smbd)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,161 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin supervisor
2013-07-05 13:29:23,161 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Supervisor
2013-07-05 13:29:23,168 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [supervisor] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (supervisord)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,169 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin apache
2013-07-05 13:29:23,169 DEBUG  __init__.load():  == Apache
2013-07-05 13:29:23,176 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [apache] Plugin failed to load: BinaryDependency (apache2)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,177 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin sysload
2013-07-05 13:29:23,178 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [sysload] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,178 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin cpu
2013-07-05 13:29:23,179 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [cpu] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,179 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin lib_rcconf
2013-07-05 13:29:23,180 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [lib_rcconf] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,180 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin loadcores
2013-07-05 13:29:23,181 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [loadcores] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,181 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin shell
2013-07-05 13:29:23,182 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [shell] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,182 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin filesystems
2013-07-05 13:29:23,183 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [filesystems] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,183 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin hddstat
2013-07-05 13:29:23,184 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [hddstat] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,184 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin dns
2013-07-05 13:29:23,185 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [dns] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,185 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin daemons
2013-07-05 13:29:23,186 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [daemons] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,186 DEBUG  __init__.load(): Loading plugin pkgman
2013-07-05 13:29:23,187 WARNING  __init__.load():  *** [pkgman] Plugin error: format error
2013-07-05 13:29:23,196 INFO  core.start(): Starting SSL tunnel for port 36914
2013-07-05 13:29:23,907 INFO  core.run(): SSL tunnel running fine
2013-07-05 13:29:23,907 INFO  core.run(): Starting server on (u'', 36914)
2013-07-05 13:29:23,919 DEBUG  feedback.send(): Feedback >> ping ({'id': 216})
2013-07-05 13:29:23,922 INFO  connectionpool._new_conn(): Starting new HTTP connection (1): meta.ajenti.org
2013-07-05 13:29:25,244 DEBUG  connectionpool._make_request(): "POST /api/v2/ping HTTP/1.1" 200 None
2013-07-05 13:29:25,245 DEBUG  feedback.send(): Feedback << {"status": "ok"}


Cannot receive emails

coocser vor 9 Jahren 0

i installed ajenti-v-mail and setup some Email Addresses.
I can send mails from all accounts.

But i cannot receive any Email.
I dont know, its a dns or configuration problem.

Port 993 and 465 is open. I can login to IMAP with Postbox.

Can someone help?

ERROR: Could not bind to (u'', 8000)

Tiago Anony vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von Bahadır Doğru vor 9 Jahren 1
I'm having trouble getting ajenti work.
Below is the output of my ajenti-panel-v

2015-06-01 09:22:56,399 INFO ajenti-panel.<module>(): Using config file /etc/ajenti/config.json
2015-06-01 09:22:56,399 INFO ajenti-panel.<module>(): Ajenti starting in foreground
2015-06-01 09:22:56,461 INFO registry.register_crypt_handler(): registered crypt handler 'sha512_crypt': <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
2015-06-01 09:22:56,526 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: git describe --tags 2> /dev/null
2015-06-01 09:22:56,534 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['lsb_release', '-sd']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,600 INFO core.run(): Ajenti running on platform: debian
2015-06-01 09:22:56,601 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin tasks
2015-06-01 09:22:56,601 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: main
2015-06-01 09:22:56,601 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin main
2015-06-01 09:22:56,610 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin tasks
2015-06-01 09:22:56,611 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: cron
2015-06-01 09:22:56,611 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin cron
2015-06-01 09:22:56,611 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,617 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin tasks
2015-06-01 09:22:56,619 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin smartctl
2015-06-01 09:22:56,619 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: dashboard
2015-06-01 09:22:56,619 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin dashboard
2015-06-01 09:22:56,622 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin smartctl
2015-06-01 09:22:56,622 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smartctl']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,626 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [smartctl] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smartctl)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,626 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin megaraid
2015-06-01 09:22:56,627 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [megaraid] skipping due to FileDependency (/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,627 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin rethink
2015-06-01 09:22:56,627 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: db_common
2015-06-01 09:22:56,627 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin db_common
2015-06-01 09:22:56,628 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: services
2015-06-01 09:22:56,628 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin services
2015-06-01 09:22:56,918 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,924 INFO sm_systemd.verify(): Disabling systemd service manager: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such method 'ListUnitFiles'
2015-06-01 09:22:56,925 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin db_common
2015-06-01 09:22:56,926 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin rethink
2015-06-01 09:22:56,926 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'rethinkdb']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,929 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [rethink] skipping due to BinaryDependency (rethinkdb)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,929 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin git
2015-06-01 09:22:56,929 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'git']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,932 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [git] skipping due to BinaryDependency (git)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,933 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin mysql
2015-06-01 09:22:56,933 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mysql']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,936 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mysqld_safe']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,939 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin hddtemp
2015-06-01 09:22:56,940 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,942 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [hddtemp] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hddtemp)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,942 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin raid
2015-06-01 09:22:56,943 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mdadm']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,946 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [raid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mdadm)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,946 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin bind9
2015-06-01 09:22:56,946 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,949 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin power
2015-06-01 09:22:56,950 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,953 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'pm-hibernate']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,956 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin packages
2015-06-01 09:22:56,957 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: terminal
2015-06-01 09:22:56,957 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin terminal
2015-06-01 09:22:56,965 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin packages
2015-06-01 09:22:56,967 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin network
2015-06-01 09:22:56,984 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin plugins
2015-06-01 09:22:56,985 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ntpd
2015-06-01 09:22:56,985 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ntpd']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,989 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [ntpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ntpd)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,989 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin snmpd
2015-06-01 09:22:56,989 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,992 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [snmpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (snmpd)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,992 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin users
2015-06-01 09:22:56,993 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin supervisor
2015-06-01 09:22:56,993 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2015-06-01 09:22:56,996 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [supervisor] skipping due to BinaryDependency (supervisord)
2015-06-01 09:22:56,997 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin csf
2015-06-01 09:22:56,997 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,000 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [csf] skipping due to BinaryDependency (csf)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,000 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ajenti_org
2015-06-01 09:22:57,001 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin fm
2015-06-01 09:22:57,002 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin lm_sensors
2015-06-01 09:22:57,002 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,005 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [lm_sensors] skipping due to BinaryDependency (sensors)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,006 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin psql
2015-06-01 09:22:57,006 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'psql']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,009 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin munin
2015-06-01 09:22:57,009 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,012 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [munin] skipping due to BinaryDependency (munin-cron)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,013 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin memcache
2015-06-01 09:22:57,013 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,016 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [memcache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (memcached)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,016 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin openvpn
2015-06-01 09:22:57,016 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,019 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [openvpn] skipping due to BinaryDependency (openvpn)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,020 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin resources
2015-06-01 09:22:57,021 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin configurator
2015-06-01 09:22:57,022 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin codemirror
2015-06-01 09:22:57,022 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin samba
2015-06-01 09:22:57,022 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,025 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,029 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin fail2ban
2015-06-01 09:22:57,029 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,032 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [fail2ban] skipping due to BinaryDependency (fail2ban-client)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,032 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin apcups
2015-06-01 09:22:57,033 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,035 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [apcups] skipping due to BinaryDependency (apcaccess)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,036 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin mongo
2015-06-01 09:22:57,036 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,039 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [mongo] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mongod)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,039 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ipmi
2015-06-01 09:22:57,039 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,042 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [ipmi] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ipmitool)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,042 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin taskmgr
2015-06-01 09:22:57,043 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin nginx
2015-06-01 09:22:57,043 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: webserver_common
2015-06-01 09:22:57,044 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin webserver_common
2015-06-01 09:22:57,044 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin nginx
2015-06-01 09:22:57,044 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,047 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [nginx] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nginx)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,048 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin elements
2015-06-01 09:22:57,048 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [elements] Plugin error: format error
2015-06-01 09:22:57,048 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin exports
2015-06-01 09:22:57,048 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nfsstat']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,051 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [exports] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nfsstat)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,051 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ctdb
2015-06-01 09:22:57,052 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,055 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [ctdb] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ctdb)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,055 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin nsd
2015-06-01 09:22:57,055 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,058 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [nsd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nsd)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,058 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin logs
2015-06-01 09:22:57,059 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin netatalk
2015-06-01 09:22:57,059 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,062 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [netatalk] skipping due to BinaryDependency (afpd)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,062 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin resolv
2015-06-01 09:22:57,063 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin sensors
2015-06-01 09:22:57,064 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin squid
2015-06-01 09:22:57,065 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,068 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [squid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (squid3)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,068 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin uname
2015-06-01 09:22:57,068 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin scripts
2015-06-01 09:22:57,069 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin notepad
2015-06-01 09:22:57,070 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin apache
2015-06-01 09:22:57,070 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apache2']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,073 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin iptables
2015-06-01 09:22:57,074 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ip6tables']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,077 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin hosts
2015-06-01 09:22:57,078 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin dhcpd
2015-06-01 09:22:57,078 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,081 DEBUG __init__.load(): *** [dhcpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (dhcpd)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,081 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin hdparm
2015-06-01 09:22:57,082 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hdparm']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,085 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin fstab
2015-06-01 09:22:57,128 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [Inflater] <ajenti.ui.inflater.Inflater object at 0x7ff1c2185150>
2015-06-01 09:22:57,130 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [UI] <ajenti.ui.UI object at 0x7ff1c218c250>
2015-06-01 09:22:57,130 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:passwd-main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,131 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:file-dialog
2015-06-01 09:22:57,132 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:input-dialog
2015-06-01 09:22:57,132 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:file-dialog-save
2015-06-01 09:22:57,133 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout cron:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,139 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout tasks:params-copydir
2015-06-01 09:22:57,148 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout tasks:params-execute
2015-06-01 09:22:57,148 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout tasks:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,157 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout tasks:params-rsync
2015-06-01 09:22:57,166 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout tasks:params-deletedir
2015-06-01 09:22:57,170 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:text
2015-06-01 09:22:57,171 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:dash
2015-06-01 09:22:57,173 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:welcome
2015-06-01 09:22:57,173 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,175 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,176 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:bar
2015-06-01 09:22:57,178 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout db_common:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,182 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout mysql:config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,182 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout bind9:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,186 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [UpstartServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_upstart.UpstartServiceManager object at 0x7ff1c2098490>
2015-06-01 09:22:57,186 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [SysVInitServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_sysvinit.SysVInitServiceManager object at 0x7ff1c20986d0>
2015-06-01 09:22:57,186 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [ServiceMultiplexor] <ajenti.plugins.services.api.ServiceMultiplexor object at 0x7ff1c2098b10>
2015-06-01 09:22:57,186 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: [u'/etc/init.d/bind9', 'status']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,192 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: [u'/etc/init.d/bind9', 'status']
2015-06-01 09:22:57,204 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout power:widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,206 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout terminal:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,207 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout terminal:config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,207 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,214 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:row
2015-06-01 09:22:57,215 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:installer
2015-06-01 09:22:57,216 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:headers
2015-06-01 09:22:57,216 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-dhcp
2015-06-01 09:22:57,218 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,220 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ifupdown
2015-06-01 09:22:57,221 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-basic
2015-06-01 09:22:57,221 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,223 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ipv4
2015-06-01 09:22:57,224 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout plugins:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,230 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout users:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,248 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout users:user-list
2015-06-01 09:22:57,254 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout ajenti_org:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,255 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout ajenti_org:config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,256 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fm:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,264 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fm:config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,265 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:ldap-sync-config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,266 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:licensing
2015-06-01 09:22:57,268 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,299 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:ad-sync-config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,300 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout samba:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,312 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout taskmgr:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,314 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout webserver_common:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,318 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout logs:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,329 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout logs:config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,330 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout resolv:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,331 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:cpu-line
2015-06-01 09:22:57,332 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:cpu-widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,332 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:value-widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,333 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:progressbar-widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,334 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout uname:widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,335 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout scripts:widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,340 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,350 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:config
2015-06-01 09:22:57,350 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:listitem
2015-06-01 09:22:57,351 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-reject-with
2015-06-01 09:22:57,352 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-state
2015-06-01 09:22:57,352 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-ports
2015-06-01 09:22:57,353 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,356 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-address
2015-06-01 09:22:57,357 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option
2015-06-01 09:22:57,358 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-interface
2015-06-01 09:22:57,358 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-port
2015-06-01 09:22:57,359 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-match
2015-06-01 09:22:57,360 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-protocol
2015-06-01 09:22:57,361 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-custom
2015-06-01 09:22:57,362 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout hosts:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,364 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout hdparm:widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,365 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:free-widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,365 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:iio-widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,366 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:main
2015-06-01 09:22:57,373 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:widget
2015-06-01 09:22:57,374 INFO core.run(): Starting server on (u'', 8000)
2015-06-01 09:22:57,379 ERROR core.run(): Could not bind to (u'', 8000)
And the ajenti log
2015-06-01 09:22:37,434 INFO registry.register_crypt_handler(): registered crypt handler 'sha512_crypt': <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
2015-06-01 09:22:37,585 INFO core.run(): Ajenti running on platform: debian
2015-06-01 09:22:38,029 INFO sm_systemd.verify(): Disabling systemd service manager: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such method 'ListUnitFiles'
2015-06-01 09:22:38,227 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [elements] Plugin error: format error
2015-06-01 09:22:38,521 INFO core.run(): Starting server on (u'', 8000)
2015-06-01 09:22:38,528 INFO core.run(): SSL enabled: /etc/ajenti/ajenti.pem
2015-06-01 09:22:38,533 INFO connectionpool._new_conn(): Starting new HTTP connection (1): meta.ajenti.org
2015-06-01 09:22:38,533 INFO : Starting new HTTP connection (1): meta.ajenti.org