Setting up a Node.js website with Ajenti V (Keystone example)

In this tutorial we will set up a Ruby on Rails website with Ajenti V, using Redmine as example.
Prerequisites: Ajenti V (NGINX and Node.js packages), Node, NPM

1. Navigate to Ajenti panel, and open Websites section. Click Create button.
Image 34

Open website config with Manage button.
Image 35

2. Set a website root and domain.
Image 36

Image 37

3. Create a new Content entry of type Node.js, and input Keystone script name and default Keystone port (3000).
Image 38

4. Click Apply changes.

5. Install Keystone into your website root:

6. Click Apply changes again to restart web server.

7. Complete! Navigate to your domain.
Image 39

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