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Ajenti apache and reverse proxy ( 0.99.33 )

Sébastien Andreatta il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 5

I'm trying to install Ajenti from repository on CentOs 6.4 ( 0.99.33 ) i can't use reverse proxy .

Here is how i install it :

wget http://repo.ajenti.org/ajenti-repo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
rpm -i ajenti-repo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
yum -y install ajenti

service ajenti restart

Reverse proxy configuration :

ProxyPass /ajenti http://localhost:8000
ProxyPassMatch ^/(ajenti.*)$ http://localhost:8000/$1
ProxyPassReverse /ajenti:static/ http://localhost:8000/ajenti:static/
ProxyPassReverse /ajenti:auth http://localhost:8000/ajenti:auth
ProxyPassReverse /ajenti http://localhost:8000

With this configuration i can go to : https://server/ajenti/ but i can't loggin, on subtmit i'm redirected to https://server/ .

The form action is set to : "/ajenti:auth" but i'm redirected to "/" 
Were is the trick ? 
Ajenti issues a redirect to /, you need to rewrite it to /ajenti/

UPDATE: now included in the guide: http://support.ajenti.org/topic/472359-ajenti-behind-apache/ 

Manage wildcard domains with Ajenti V

Denis Ovtchinnikov il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 2
How setup correct 404 redirect if a subdomain is not configured as a Ajenti V website.
Создайте отдельный сайт, у которого указан домен *.domain.com
Он будет принимать запросы, которые попали в шаблон *.domain.com, но не совпали с другими настроенными сайтами.

[TOPIC: FTP] VSFTP-Plugin working 503 error wont add to accepted list: Also can't change ftp to a new password

Parameter il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Ben Sumner (WACOMalt) il y a 10 ans 12
The current build of Ajenti doesn't seem to include a feature to change the current ftp password, it only displays a generated one. Also i get a 530 Permission denied error every time i try to connect to the ftp and i've used various clients, winscp, filezilla, and regular browser ftp. 


Pas un bug

Changing the root password doesn't always work

Alexandre Aptor il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 11 ans 1

This happened to me a lot of times. I click Change password, type in my new password, press enter, nothing happens, no error or success message. Then when I try to login again, most of the times I see that the change password action failed, because I have to use my old password. I usually have to repeat this process a few times to make it work.


You need to click "Save" button to save configuration changes.


Owncloud desktop client does not sync txt, xml, json, js etc.

maxhan il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 1
Owncloud desktop client does not support gzip, however, ajenti enables gzip by default for txt, xml, json, js etc. When the client attempt to sync files with those extensions, it will throw a "no etags provided by server" error because it can not decode gzip.

The solution is to add gzip directive to the advanced tab for owncloud website configuration.

gzip off;

upgrade to commercial version

eagles051387 il y a 10 ans 0
if i run some tests with the free version can i upgrade to the commercial version at a later point in time?

Ajenti is sitll alive? or is another dead project?

Luis Aparicio il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Hamed Asaleh il y a 8 ans 7

Hi Luis, a brand new version of Ajenti is under development in ng branch at github: https://github.com/Eugeny/ajenti/commits/ng, and it's to be released soon!

À l'étude

mysql login

Marty Miller-Crispe il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 9

ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 1: Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' to database 'mysql'

Where my 'username' is correct. From command line I can use mysql -p with the username and password configured in Ajenti.

I am new to Ajenti, just installed it rather than using webmin.



alanjhone il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Esli Silva il y a 7 ans 9
SAMBA4 and supported by ajenti? need some module/plugin to manage SAMBA4?
I didn't do any specific testing, but Samba 4.0.0rc4 works just fine with Ajenti on multiple servers I supervise.


Crazy Raisin il y a 10 ans mis à jour il y a 10 ans 2
I am using Apache and do not want to have Nginx on the system at all, any plugin installation brings this back and the control panel keeps whining about it not being there. Does Ajenti require Nginx?
Ajenti V requires NGINX, Ajenti does not.