Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.


openSUSE Support

John Unland 10 aastat tagasi 0
I know openSUSE is supported, however some plugins are not. I would like there to be plugins that worked for that particular distribution. If not, I would like to know which ones do and do not work for openSUSE.

websites always down after server restart

Napoolion 10 aastat tagasi 0
Hey there,

Every time there is VPS restart, I have to manually go to Ajenti panel and click on "restart websites" and start "mysqld" in services to get my websites up again.

However this is not really reliable since I might not always be near computer. How can I do like that ajenti will automatically start mysql and websites go up again after boot?

Thank you, love Ajenti btw. Keep up the good work.

Best wishes,

Favorites button/list on "System > Logs"

Weebs S 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Lexy 9 aastat tagasi 1
Could you create a favorites button/list on section "System > Logs", for quickly access to logs desired?

Thank you for all...its a great app

nginx + mod_pagespeed

Anonymous 10 aastat tagasi 0
Is there sth. like a best practice to use ajenti with mod_pagespeed?


Ajenti Terminal and Special Keys

Jonny M 10 aastat tagasi 0
I am trying to use the Terminal emulator, and I am having issues sending Special Keys, like Esc and Ctrl+A, amongst many others similar to these. These are the 2 that I use rather regularly and would like to use through the Terminal emulator if at all possible. Is there currently any way to do so?

Best practice for modifying global php-fpm config?

teeps 10 aastat tagasi 0
Do we need to live with what you've hard coded into ajenti-v unless we want to do the custom install of php-fpm route or is there a way to override the settings you've added?

Thanks again for awesome product!!

Can't install Ajenti on Ubuntu Server 12.04.2

Валентин 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 aastat tagasi 0

Image 2


apt-get update please


vmware player integration for making vm machines through ajenti

Jeremy Henry 9 aastat tagasi uuendatud 9 aastat tagasi 1
Just wondering if there is going to be a vm integration for vmware player, workstation and virtualbox. I use virtual machines on a daily basis and would like to create the vm's with the ajenti interface. the only reson i ask is becuase i use ajenti on a headless server and would like to build a few vm's and or share a vm from my server to the rest of my machines.... any update would be great..... thanks...

Solution for installing on Ubuntu 12.04

Pablo Albornoz 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 aastat tagasi 5

I had the following issues trying to issues trying to install Ajenti on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

apt-get install ajenti failed: python-request wouldn't install. 

I solved it first removing the Ajenti repo line from /etc/apt/sources.list then updating apt with apt-get update and installing python-request. Then I re-added the repo line and installed Ajenti with apt-get install ajenti.

service ajenti restart failed: service ajenti not found.

I solved it giving executable permission to the ajenti file in /etc/init.d/

There's also a bug where the ajenti init file is not created properly.

I still have issues with Ajenti in 12.04 but I will let those two here if someone is having the same problems.


I have separated Debian and Ubuntu repositories, so Ubuntu users should not have troubles with python-requests installation anymore.



Albert Tsoi 11 aastat tagasi 0
Dear Sir or Madam, 

I really like Ajenti for its clean layout. Though I can't figure out how to setup a Prestashop website. It is PHP base but its rewrite rule seems to be different from Wordpress. I tried myself but no luck. Can you guys guide me? Thanks a lot!
