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ajenti down after update

Mirko Tononi hace 9 años actualizado por Pamela hace 9 años 4

ajenti with ajenti-v to

after apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, the url address https://myip:8000 respond: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET


the websites work, but ajenti not work


SMTP setup - Is this possible to do with Ajenti?

Mikeyman hace 11 años actualizado por kozma prytkov hace 10 años 2
First of all, thank you for a great software, it looks awesome!

With this said, I have a question regarding the software and the SMTP service setup.
I would like to be able to to setup multiple domains (and multiple ips) using the control panel, and use the SMTP service for sending mail.

For example: Let's say that my first domain is http://www.mysite1.com with the IP and that I’m sending out emails to my clients using this setup. They receive the emails just as I want, in other words from the ”mysite1.com” domain (and the IP).

I would then like to setup an additional IP (for example and domain (http://www.mysite2.com), and here it’s important that I'm able to send emails to another set of clients via the second domain ”mysite2.com” (and the second IP

Another scenario is that it would be great if I could setup a 2 IPs under the same domain.

I have tried other control panels, and there have been a problem with them as the IP and domain name always resolves to the first IP and domain.

I would highly appreciate if someone could let me know if the above is possible.


I can't exactly advise on configuration of SMTP server software because I'm no expert on this, but you certainly can specify different IPs for a website in Ajenti V (simply input the IPs as hostnames in Ports section).

If you're using Postfix, you could first configure interfaces: http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#inet_interf... and then make sure that you're connecting to actual SMTP IP (first or second, whichever you want mail to come from), and not or localhost, when sending mail from your website.

En revisión

0777 on /var/www

Mario Kostelac hace 10 años actualizado hace 10 años 2
I've made a fresh install today (Digital Ocean, Ubuntu 14.04) (ajenti + ajentiv, all by your tutorial).
After creating a site and calling fix permissions action I noticed that /var/www is owned by root and permissions are 0777. I can't tell what was happened before I create a site or between creating a site and fixing permissions, but it seems like a huge issue.
Can anybody confirm that I am true?
If it is needed, I can try to reproduce.

how to configure quota per email adresse ?

Hongbo Lu hace 9 años 0
I'd like to know how to configure email quota for each adresse or globally ?
I can't find any option about this.

thanks in advance

Return Command Line Feedback to GUI Interactions

JL Griffin hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 2
One of the few things that really Irks me with this panel is that it doesnt return command line feedback (if any) when you use the gui to do something.

there are many reasons this could be useful, for example, you add in a new apache virtual host and mistype something that isnt serious enough to stop Apache from starting (like missing an close tag which would produce a CLI warning and the 2 effected virtual hosts [the new one and the one below it] would be ignored). reload or restart would show successful in the gui, but reload/restart in CLI would return a warning which you could then use to understand why things arent working. this is also problematic when trying to hunt a system problem down.

Note This Topic for example. pages refused to load and i assumed it was nginx. so i checked configs reload restart nothing. i went process by process, Firewall, Squid3, Fail2Ban, all of the processes stopped and started successfully. so i then went to the terminal to check stuff out because i obviously was have a problem that the panel wasnt detecting somewhere and for grins i started restarting processes from cli vs gui and found that a Warning was being produced by UFW that the accept rule for port 80 was a port range with no end and was therefore being ignored. this did not stop UFW from starting, but it did stop all my web traffic, and produced a warning that should have been presented in the gui.

additionally, in the mysql section (Boy oh boy is this section a nightmare on a stick) when adding schemas or users or doing the 1 or 2 things that really dont work anyways in this section, errors can be produced by the mysql console that are never shown to me and im required to log in from cli to perform the function properly (which i have to do anyhow because the MYSQL gui is a trainwreck) See This Post for more detail.

There are countless other scenarios in which this would be helpful.

Is this possible? can we do this?

Also please dont take this as an attack on the panel, its a minor annoyance most of the time and it really is one of the only 3 gripes i have about this panel at all, and its actually one of the 2 small ones.

Thanks in advance

Add ability for ajenti-v-mail to use mail aliases for already existing users

Lunarrr hace 10 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 10 años 3
I suggest that ajenti-v-mail have the ability to create mail aliases under already existing users. For example have admin@domain.com created and then you would have the option to add aliases such as abuse@domain.com, support@domain.com, etc.

where is cache folder?

Джон Панч hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 1
I'm using this code in Nginx config
location ~* ^.+\.(rss|atom|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|rtf|js|css|woff)$ {
expires max;

Now all my CSS files in cache and i can't see my modifies. Even after I removed this text.
How to fix this problem?


ajenti-ipc centos 7 update pb

John Bour hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 1

Hi all,

Everything was running well for 2 month but U got an "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" error message since I updated Centos 7 yesterday.

After investigations, I found a "connection refused" when trying to run ajenti-ipc (check or license) and suspect that the licence verification is not done :P

Note that this is a classic install and nothing was done on the licencing.

Thanks for help

[root@webhost1 ~]# service ajenti stop; ajenti-panel -v
Stopping ajenti (via systemctl): [ OK ]
18.12.2015 11:40 ajenti-panel:105 INFO Using config file /etc/ajenti/config.json
18.12.2015 11:40 ajenti-panel:130 INFO Ajenti starting in foreground
18.12.2015 11:40 registry.py:282 DEBUG registered 'sha512_crypt' handler: <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: git describe --tags 2> /dev/null
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['lsb_release', '-sd']
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['uname', '-mrs']
18.12.2015 11:40 core.py:60 INFO Ajenti running on platform: centos
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ajenti_org
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: main
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin main
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ajenti_org
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apache
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: webserver_common
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin webserver_common
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: services
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin services
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: dashboard
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin dashboard
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin services
18.12.2015 11:40 sm_upstart.py:49 INFO Disabling Upstart service manager: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.ubuntu.Upstart was not provided by any .service files
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin webserver_common
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apache
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [apache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (httpd)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apcups
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [apcups] skipping due to BinaryDependency (apcaccess)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin bind9
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'named']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [bind9] skipping due to BinaryDependency (named)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin codemirror
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin configurator
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin cron
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin csf
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'csf']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [csf] skipping due to BinaryDependency (csf)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ctdb
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [ctdb] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ctdb)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin db_common
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin dhcpd
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [dhcpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (dhcpd)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin exports
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nfsstat']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fail2ban
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [fail2ban] skipping due to BinaryDependency (fail2ban-client)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fm
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: tasks
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin tasks
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fm
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fstab
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hddtemp
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [hddtemp] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hddtemp)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hdparm
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'hdparm']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [hdparm] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hdparm)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hosts
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ipmi
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [ipmi] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ipmitool)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin iptables
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ip6tables']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin lm_sensors
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [lm_sensors] skipping due to BinaryDependency (sensors)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin logs
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin megaraid
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [megaraid] skipping due to FileDependency (/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin memcache
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [memcache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (memcached)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin mongo
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [mongo] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mongod)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin munin
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [munin] skipping due to BinaryDependency (munin-cron)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin mysql
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysql']
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysqld_safe']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin netatalk
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [netatalk] skipping due to BinaryDependency (afpd)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin network
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin nginx
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin notepad
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin nsd
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [nsd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nsd)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ntpd
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ntpd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [ntpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ntpd)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin openvpn
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [openvpn] skipping due to BinaryDependency (openvpn)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin packages
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: terminal
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin terminal
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin packages
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin plugins
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin power
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'pm-hibernate']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin psql
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'psql']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [psql] skipping due to BinaryDependency (psql)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin raid
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mdadm']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [raid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mdadm)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin resolv
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin resources
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin samba
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [samba] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smbd)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin scripts
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin sensors
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin smartctl
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'smartctl']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [smartctl] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smartctl)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin snmpd
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin squid
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [squid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (squid3)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin supervisor
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin taskmgr
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin users
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-nginx
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-mysql
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysql']
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysqld_safe']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-php-fpm
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'php-fpm']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-pureftpd
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'pure-pw']
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'pure-ftpd']
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [Inflater] <ajenti.ui.inflater.Inflater object at 0x3268950>
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [UI] <ajenti.ui.UI object at 0x36a6bd0>
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:file-dialog-save
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:file-dialog
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:input-dialog
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:passwd-main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout ajenti_org:config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout ajenti_org:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:dash
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:text
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:welcome
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout services:bar
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout services:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout services:widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout webserver_common:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:ad-sync-config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:ldap-sync-config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:licensing
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout cron:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout db_common:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout exports:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-copydir
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-deletedir
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-execute
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-rsync
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fm:config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fm:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:free-widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:iio-widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout hosts:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-address
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-custom
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-interface
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-match
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-port
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-ports
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-protocol
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-reject-with
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-state
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout logs:config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout logs:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout mysql:config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-basic
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-dhcp
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ifupdown
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ipv4
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:listitem
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout terminal:config
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout terminal:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:headers
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:installer
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:row
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout plugins:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout power:widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout resolv:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout scripts:widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:cpu-line
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:cpu-widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:progressbar-widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:value-widget
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout snmpd:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout supervisor:main
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [SystemdServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_systemd.SystemdServiceManager object at 0x41d54d0>
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [CentOSServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_sysvinit_centos.CentOSServiceManager object at 0x41d5150>
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [SupervisorServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.supervisor.client.SupervisorServiceManager object at 0x41d5210>
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [ServiceMultiplexor] <ajenti.plugins.services.api.ServiceMultiplexor object at 0x41d51d0>
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['supervisorctl', 'status', u'supervisor']
18.12.2015 11:40 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['supervisorctl', 'status', 'unix:///var/run/supervisor/supervisor.sock']
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout taskmgr:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout users:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout users:user-list
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:ext-processes
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-fcgi
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-nodejs
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-php-fcgi
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-proxy
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-python-wsgi
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-ruby-puma
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-ruby-unicorn
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-static
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-website-location
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-website
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:not-configured
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh-mysql:ext
18.12.2015 11:40 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh-pureftpd:ext
18.12.2015 11:40 core.py:99 INFO Starting server on (u'', 8000)
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [SessionMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0x43d5990>
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [AuthenticationMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware object at 0x496e190>
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [CentralDispatcher] <ajenti.routing.CentralDispatcher object at 0x496e150>
18.12.2015 11:40 core.py:134 INFO SSL enabled: /etc/ajenti/ajenti.pem
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [IPCServer] <ajenti.ipc.IPCServer object at 0x496e510>
18.12.2015 11:40 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [Licensing] <ajenti.licensing.Licensing object at 0x496e650>
Erreur de segmentation
[root@vps217741 ~]# service ajenti stop; ajenti-panel -v
Stopping ajenti (via systemctl): [ OK ]
18.12.2015 11:41 ajenti-panel:105 INFO Using config file /etc/ajenti/config.json
18.12.2015 11:41 ajenti-panel:130 INFO Ajenti starting in foreground
18.12.2015 11:41 registry.py:282 DEBUG registered 'sha512_crypt' handler: <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: git describe --tags 2> /dev/null
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['lsb_release', '-sd']
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['uname', '-mrs']
18.12.2015 11:41 core.py:60 INFO Ajenti running on platform: centos
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ajenti_org
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: main
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin main
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ajenti_org
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apache
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: webserver_common
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin webserver_common
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: services
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin services
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: dashboard
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin dashboard
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin services
18.12.2015 11:41 sm_upstart.py:49 INFO Disabling Upstart service manager: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.ubuntu.Upstart was not provided by any .service files
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin webserver_common
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apache
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [apache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (httpd)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apcups
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [apcups] skipping due to BinaryDependency (apcaccess)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin bind9
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'named']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [bind9] skipping due to BinaryDependency (named)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin codemirror
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin configurator
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin cron
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin csf
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'csf']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [csf] skipping due to BinaryDependency (csf)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ctdb
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [ctdb] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ctdb)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin db_common
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin dhcpd
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [dhcpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (dhcpd)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin exports
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nfsstat']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fail2ban
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [fail2ban] skipping due to BinaryDependency (fail2ban-client)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fm
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: tasks
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin tasks
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fm
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fstab
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hddtemp
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [hddtemp] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hddtemp)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hdparm
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'hdparm']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [hdparm] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hdparm)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hosts
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ipmi
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [ipmi] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ipmitool)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin iptables
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ip6tables']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin lm_sensors
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [lm_sensors] skipping due to BinaryDependency (sensors)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin logs
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin megaraid
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [megaraid] skipping due to FileDependency (/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin memcache
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [memcache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (memcached)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin mongo
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [mongo] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mongod)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin munin
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [munin] skipping due to BinaryDependency (munin-cron)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin mysql
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysql']
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysqld_safe']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin netatalk
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [netatalk] skipping due to BinaryDependency (afpd)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin network
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin nginx
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin notepad
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin nsd
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [nsd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nsd)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ntpd
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ntpd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [ntpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ntpd)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin openvpn
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [openvpn] skipping due to BinaryDependency (openvpn)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin packages
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: terminal
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin terminal
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin packages
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin plugins
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin power
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'pm-hibernate']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin psql
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'psql']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [psql] skipping due to BinaryDependency (psql)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin raid
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mdadm']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [raid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mdadm)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin resolv
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin resources
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin samba
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [samba] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smbd)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin scripts
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin sensors
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin smartctl
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'smartctl']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [smartctl] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smartctl)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin snmpd
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin squid
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:346 DEBUG *** [squid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (squid3)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin supervisor
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin taskmgr
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin users
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-nginx
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-mysql
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysql']
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysqld_safe']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-php-fpm
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'php-fpm']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin vh-pureftpd
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'pure-pw']
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'pure-ftpd']
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [Inflater] <ajenti.ui.inflater.Inflater object at 0x1ca4950>
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [UI] <ajenti.ui.UI object at 0x20e2bd0>
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:file-dialog-save
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:file-dialog
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:input-dialog
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout main:passwd-main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout ajenti_org:config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout ajenti_org:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:dash
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:text
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:welcome
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout services:bar
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout services:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout services:widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout webserver_common:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:ad-sync-config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:ldap-sync-config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:licensing
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout cron:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout db_common:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout exports:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-copydir
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-deletedir
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-execute
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-rsync
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fm:config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fm:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:free-widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:iio-widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout hosts:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-address
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-custom
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-interface
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-match
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-port
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-ports
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-protocol
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-reject-with
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-state
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout logs:config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout logs:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout mysql:config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-basic
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-dhcp
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ifupdown
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ipv4
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout network:widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:listitem
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout terminal:config
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout terminal:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:headers
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:installer
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:row
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout plugins:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout power:widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout resolv:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout scripts:widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:cpu-line
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:cpu-widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:progressbar-widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:value-widget
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout snmpd:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout supervisor:main
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [SystemdServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_systemd.SystemdServiceManager object at 0x2c124d0>
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [CentOSServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_sysvinit_centos.CentOSServiceManager object at 0x2c12150>
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [SupervisorServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.supervisor.client.SupervisorServiceManager object at 0x2c12210>
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [ServiceMultiplexor] <ajenti.plugins.services.api.ServiceMultiplexor object at 0x2c121d0>
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['supervisorctl', 'status', u'supervisor']
18.12.2015 11:41 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['supervisorctl', 'status', 'unix:///var/run/supervisor/supervisor.sock']
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout taskmgr:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout users:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout users:user-list
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:ext-processes
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-fcgi
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-nodejs
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-php-fcgi
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-proxy
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-python-wsgi
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-ruby-puma
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-ruby-unicorn
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-backend-params-static
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-website-location
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main-website
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:main
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh:not-configured
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh-mysql:ext
18.12.2015 11:41 inflater.py:38 DEBUG Precaching layout vh-pureftpd:ext
18.12.2015 11:41 core.py:99 INFO Starting server on (u'', 8000)
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [SessionMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0x2e12990>
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [AuthenticationMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware object at 0x33aa190>
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [CentralDispatcher] <ajenti.routing.CentralDispatcher object at 0x33aa150>
18.12.2015 11:41 core.py:134 INFO SSL enabled: /etc/ajenti/ajenti.pem
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [IPCServer] <ajenti.ipc.IPCServer object at 0x33aa510>
18.12.2015 11:41 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [Licensing] <ajenti.licensing.Licensing object at 0x33aa650>
Segmentation error


Better DNS control with 1 click google apps setup

Siddharth Bhansali hace 12 años actualizado hace 12 años 1

Everybody needs to play around with DNS, especially for things like setting up google apps. Nobody else does this, could be quite the differentiator.


IPV6 Support

amwdrizz hace 12 años actualizado por Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) hace 12 años 0

I would like to see a management interface offer IPv6 support / management tools.  While I have no issue in dealing with a CLI sometimes it can be quicker to push out a small change from a web browser.  

The following modules I think should support IPv6 in some form.


Eventually it should also extend to the management interface as a whole.


Added IPv6 support to ng branch