Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.


Ajenti-V configuration own NS

Max fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 2
What makes the nameservers tab? If go through the whole setup bind9? These nameservers involved in the formation of zones ?

conflicting server name "somedomain.com" on, ignored

Manu Janardhanan fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 0

All of a sudden i m getting the below message and none of the sites are loading

conflicting server name "somedomain.com" on, ignored

im using ubuntu 14.04 + ajenti v + nginx


fail2ban doesnt seem to be working. am i missing something?

JL Griffin fa 10 anys actualitzat fa 10 anys 1
So i was checking my mail.log for a login issues and i see the same ip attempting to login to an account on my mail server about once every 10- 20 seconds. now the account hasnt been breached thus far and ive checked to ensure that account has a strong password, but shouldnt fail2ban be blacklisting this ip address to stop it from spamming the server? have i missed some essential configuration to make it do this?


Improving Ajenti ui

Lexy fa 9 anys 0
im part of Lexy company in iran, we are team of developers , who knows designing and programming
we interested in ajenti and we wan help ajenti to improve
but i dont know how, please help me and tell me where can i start
thanks, sorry for my english

Не ставится на debian 7. Ругается на python заивисимости.

В частности на python-gevent, python-gevent-socketio, python-daemon,  python-ldap.
Хотя в системе они есть. python 2.7.3.
Так и не понял как решить проблему((
Not a bug

ERROR Could not bind to (u'', 8000)

Rajko Bezarevic fa 11 anys updated by Neiroc fa 3 anys 20
I cant seem to get ajenti to work after instalation a cant connect via https//ip:8000
when i run command ajenti-panel i get :
ERROR Could not bind to (u'', 8000)
at the end i tried numerous suggestion from forums but no dice. please help any sugestions
This means that Ajenti port (8000) is used by other application. Check with 

sudo netstat -tlnp | grep 8000

Connect ajenti with nginx directory view online users

Francesco Ferone fa 9 anys 0
Hello, i was wondering if it is possible to view online users once set up nginx web directory with ajenti (i have a little server with some videos on + nginx & ajenti) and i would like to create users to let people watch them via remote accessible links but i am not able to do it with ajenti. It works with single nginx directoey but can i connect it to ajenti? Could anyone tell me how to do it? or what tutorial could i follow

Why Ajenti not updated from a long time

Salman Qamar fa 9 anys updated by Lexy fa 9 anys 1
As per wikipedia Stable release 1.2.20 / 11 April 2014. Y there is no further release released even after 1 year passed.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Login Problem

Ravy fa 9 anys 0

Hello together,

I have a problem after performing a quick install of Ajenti. I can only login with my ubuntu user not having full privileges. I have an option to elevate the account, but default credentials are not working. Any idea?

Thanks in advance


Wordpress is asking for FTP for themes and plugin install

Wiz Kiran fa 10 anys actualitzat fa 10 anys 2
Thanks to the help from all of you so far. My WordPress site is up and running. But when I try to install a new theme or plug in , it is asking for host name, FTP user name and FTP password. I did all installation through Ajenti but didn't see any option to configure FTP. Please shed some light on how to solve this issue. 
Go to the File Manager, and change owner of Wordpress directory to www-data (recursively). This will allow Wordpress to manage itself without FTP. If you want FTP access, install ajenti-v-pureftpd package and look for FTP tab in website settings.