Teie kommentaarid

I fixed this in /var/lib/ajenti/plugins/vh-nginx/nginx_templates.py

How did it get changed is the question. I'm up for 1.3 but need more info.

nginx: [warn] invalid value "TLSv1.3" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:50

This is in one install ? I have 2 other installs no insertion into nginx.conf

Ajenti  v1.2.23.13

[resolved] install ajenti-v-mysql in addition to php-7.0-mysql

Is this valid for the latest Ajenti -V with php-7.0. I installed fresh on Ubuntu 16.04, restarted Ajenti and MySql. I cannot see mysql in websites tab but it MySql shows properly in the Software section with default schema and user.

You cannot do it from within Ajenti -v. You have to run commands in a terminal.

It is very difficult to do but can be done with ACL (Access Control Lists)

If you have many users it can be hard to keep track of the lists.

Example for user "antman" to exclude from ALL directories except his own (/srv/http/0016)

setfacl -m "u:antman:---" /srv/http/0001 /srv/http/0002 srv/http/0003 /srv/http/0004 /srv/http/0005 /srv/http/0006 /srv/http/0007 /srv/http/0008 /srv/http/0009 /srv/http/0010 /srv/http/0011 /srv/http/0012 /srv/http/0013 /srv/http/0014 /srv/http/0015 REMOVE THIS ONE /srv/http/0016 /srv/http/0017 /srv/http/0018 /srv/http/0019 /srv/http/0020 /srv/http/0021 /srv/http/0022 /srv/http/0023 /srv/http/0024

ref: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/fs-acl.html

max post size in php.ini you can put anything 32M or whatever

Yes, and in "Websites/Ports" you can remove port 80 and put 443 and check box SSL and I believe this forces browser to use ssl if you want that functionality. It works for me. I'm also using letsencrypt and it works good. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-secure-nginx-with-let-s-encrypt-on-ubuntu-14-04

What version have you been using for your set-up?

Sounds great. Were in Ajenti v1.2.23.3 as of the last update. We're not using jailkit if that's the question. We're building VPS's (tuned for WP Delivery) in our own leased space (data center), Ubuntu 14.04.4. So, we would have to meet (virtually/hangout) and then get on with making you a SSH/user into a test VM and move forward.

@keyton_stanier - That's a very generous proposition. We have developed a python plugin that integrates Cloudflare into the panel (limited for A/CNAME/TXT records, client onboarding etc) instead of using BIND, and are pursuing a more robust version as we have now integrated their railgun product in a test Data Center (VM). I always thought that either ACL or Jailkit would be worth looking into but found that time and a few barriers to becoming expert at.

Moving forward would like to know if you want a beta tester I would put up a server to evaluate for 6 months or whatever it takes.

For several years I've used a rules.conf file in /etc//etc/nginx.custom.d/ to take www off our domains like:

server {

listen 80;
server_name www.domain.com;

return 301 http://domain.com$request_uri; }

This has always worked perfectly. Now I have certificates installed in /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com and use the paths correctly in the SSL area of websites. I modified the ports section to only use 443 with SSL checked. HTTPS is working fine on domain.com - but going to www.domain.com throws an error in the browser. This means NGINX rules are not in effect and I've tried several different directives like:

server {

listen 80;
server_name domain.com;

return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }

server {
listen 80;
server_name www.domain.com;
server {
listen 443;
server_name www.domain.com;

return 301 https://domain.com$request_uri; }

None of that appears to work (but none break the site either)

The question is do I need to add www.domain.com as a new website? ...or is there something simple possibly that I am missing.

Thanks for any input about the issue.