Ajenti behind Apache
All Ajenti URLs are absolute and start with /ajenti:, which makes it easy to reverse-proxy it with Apache.
Apache >= 2.2
Enabling modules:sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_connect proxy_http headers
RequestHeader set Origin http://localhost:8000 ProxyPass /ajenti http://localhost:8000/ ProxyPassMatch ^/(ajenti:.*)$ http://localhost:8000/$1 ProxyPassReverse /ajenti /
Apache >= 2.4
Apache 2.4 adds support for Websockets proxying which will improve responsiveness of the panel. In addition to the 2.2 configuration, enable the module and add a socket proxy directive.sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
ProxyPass /ajenti:socket/1/websocket/ ws://localhost:8000/ajenti:socket/1/websocket/
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho