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Panel not loading

Muhammed Tolgahan ALAN 8 year бұрын 0

http:ip:8000 login, not error. Web panel not loading.

How to fixed ?


Any success installing on ubuntu server 16.04?

Justin Brown 8 year бұрын updated by Denis Protopopov 8 year бұрын 2

I've had to switch back to using webmin full time since 16.04 released. Has anyone had success getting ajenti up and running on it? I really miss using ajenti and would love to again. :(


Проблема с настройкой mongodb в ajenti

Дмитрий Такойвот 8 year бұрын жаңартылды 8 year бұрын 1

Установил все зависимости для MongoDB, появился пункт в "Программы" - MongoDB
При нажатии на кнопку выскакивает модальное окно с полями хост - имя и пароль, вроде все норм, но так же выскакивает сообщtние об ошибке: "Database" object is not callable. If you meant to call the 'disconnect' method ... И кроме модального окна полями - хост-имя-пароль ничего не загружается.


Ajenti V, no websites will load: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

Wally 8 year бұрын 0


I've just setup my server with Ajenti and Ajenti V, and PHP 7.

However, any website I try to access created in Websites, under Ajenti V...

results in the website showing, ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE...

And I cannot find any information or logs, I tried to go to the logs, but they're empty. /var/log/nginx/webserver.iwally.nl e.g.

Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

Ajenti v1.2.23.8

can someone please assist on where to troubleshoot?


Unable to access control Panel

Rajeev Ranjan Sharma 8 year бұрын updated by Pedro 8 year бұрын 1


I am using Amazon AWS instance.

I have successfully installed Ajenti Control Panel But i am unable to access by using IP.

Here is my IP, It showing Time Out error.



how to disable plugins in ajenti

pmd 8 year бұрын 0

hello everyone,

I am interested by how to disable plugins in ajenti.

Because i don't want user use , for example, terminal or modify the network.



Can't connect to the Ajenti Panel "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET"

Alexander Neff 8 year бұрын updated by MaximAL 8 year бұрын 2

I can't connect. I tried with Https, My port should work too and my SSL is also enabled... I don't know so much about Debian and Linux but i can't find the Problem. Everything is fine but in my Browser I always get the Error "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET"


I need to set up the port smtp tls 587

Fernando Ruiz 8 year бұрын жаңартылды 8 year бұрын 0

I have a website running with phpMailer, but phpMailer requiered smtp tls 587 or ssl 465 for working

How can i solve it?


enabling multiple websites makes them all forbidden or maintaince

Bas Korthals 9 year бұрын updated by Jonathan Sarry 9 year бұрын 2

when im running 1 domain on the server, it just works

but when i try to enable more then one, all of them break and go into either maintaince mode if that is checked on any domain, or just "Forbidden"


Ajenti plugins (2016)

Jean Silver 9 year бұрын 0


I looked through the messages and haven't found information explaining why the plugins of firewall and openvpn are not implemented in the current version?

Is there anybody using the old plugins in the current ajenti version?

Thank you
