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Setting up a Ghost Blog (Production mode) in Ajenti

Roland Ng il y a 10 ans mis à jour il y a 10 ans 2

I have successfully set up Ghost blog in ajenti (script name = index.js), but having problems configuring it to start in production mode.

After checking the ghost documents ( http://docs.ghost.org/usage/configuration/ )
i realized i need to start it as
NODE_ENV=production node index.js
instead of what is automatically configured in ajenti (node index.js)

I could manually change the settings in superviord, but it keeps getting overwritten when i make updates to my websites. How can i make the change permanent ?
Hi Roland,

I've published an update that adds Environment setting to Node.js content. You should be able to simply paste NODE_ENV=production there.

ajenti v forgets configuration after apt-get upgrade...

Philipp Kunz il y a 11 ans 0

apparently ajenti v forgets all the sites configured after apt-get upgrade. A little warning should be displayed before doing so... Luckily I have backups of the server

Edit: it seems that the whole process of creating new pages is broken. when I try to create a new page, it appears in the list, but clicking the confugure button behhind it does nothing...

Not able to install Ajenti on Centos 6.4 X64

dharmik il y a 11 ans mis à jour par antop joseph il y a 9 ans 2
I am not able to install ajenti on my centos.
When I run "yum install ajenti" following errors shows at last...
Error: Package: python-daemon-1.5.2-1.el6.noarch (ajenti)
Requires: python-lockfile
Error: Package: reconfigure-0.1.38-1.noarch (ajenti)
Requires: python-chardet
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
Please help me..

You need to add EPEL repos to your system.

.deb file location

Alexander Roe il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 11 ans 2

can I please get the URL for the .deb file for the latest verison.  I'm trying to install ajenti on archlinux and I should be able to make a package based on the deb file



Though you will probably hit a lot of troubles since there's no more official support for Arch


edit server address

Richard Chimelis il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 11 ans 0

If I use a disk image on a different server, where do I need to edit the server address for ajenti to resolve on the new ip?


You should edit /etc/network/interfaces (Debian/Ubuntu) or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<network interface> (CentOS/RHEL) and replace old IP with the new IP there and reboot. You don't need to change anything related to Ajenti, it will work after reboot.


Error Creating User of Mysql

Nicola Usala il y a 10 ans 0
first of all you are GREAT! :D
I've some problem with the creation of a database user connected to a domain
In WebSite -> Domain -> MySQL
when I create a USER i cannot set a password, the Ajenti system generate a password like "49fcb399-73f8-451e-95ad-3527404ce74d" and I don't know what is the psw.

Ajenti and nginx 1.6.x?

Jochen il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 1
Hi there,
support Ajenti also nginx 1.6.x or is it better to use the Debain package sources with nginx 1.2.1, because I would like to install Ajenti as follows:

echo "deb http://dotdeb.netmirror.org/ stable all" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src http://dotdeb.netmirror.org/ stable all" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
wget http://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg -O- |apt-key add -
echo "deb http://repo.ajenti.org/debian main main debian" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
wget http://repo.ajenti.org/debian/key -O- | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install ajenti ajenti-v ajenti-v-nginx ajenti-v-mysql ajenti-v-php-fpm ajenti-v-mail ajenti-v-ftp-pureftpd php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-cli php5-apc

Ajenti V works with any modern Nginx versions, starting from 1.0.0

Updates and Changelog

Jochen il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 10 ans 1

today there was an update (ajenti-v-mail 0.1.28). Is there a changelog for the updates that are installed through the repositories?

Changelog is updated for the 3rd-level version updates (x.x.1.x). The full commit log is also available.

How to set up subdomains on Ajenti V

Raideer il y a 10 ans mis à jour par anonymous il y a 6 ans 5
Just installed ajenti and ajenti-v, and i need help with setting up a subdomain
Just create a separate website and use full subdomain.domain.com as your domain name.

Mouse cursor disappears

Thibaut il y a 10 ans 0

I don't know why but when I'm browsing my Ajenti control panel, the mouse cursor happen to disappear from time to time. Switching to another app then to the browser again make it re-appear.

It's in Google Chrome (OS X). Can't test with Safari since Ajenti doesn't work in Safari.

There are no special steps I can tell to reproduce that thing but it's really strange. I have no Google Chrome extension installed. And it doesn't happen with any other website.