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Ajenti-V default port for website is 8080

8PotatoChip8 il y a 4 ans 0

This is a fresh install of Ajenti-V with no configuration other than clicking the new website and creating my website name.

This is running in a Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine using VirtualBox.

The default port is for some reason 8080 and not 80 for the website. 

I want to know how to change the default port for accessing my website from 8080 to 80.

If anything else is needed from me (I.E Configuration files for virtualbox) just say so I will provide.


How can I webhost on Ajenti? It's not working

Arnnav Kudale il y a 4 ans 0
Hello, I can't download ajenti-v on ubuntu 20.04.1. I'm using the guide from this website. Its saying this when I try:

root@beastdev:~# apt-get install ajenti-v ajenti-v-nginx ajenti-v-mysql ajenti-v-php7.0-fpm php7.0-mysql Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package ajenti-v E: Unable to locate package ajenti-v-nginx E: Unable to locate package ajenti-v-mysql E: Unable to locate package ajenti-v-php7.0-fpm E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'ajenti-v-php7.0-fpm' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'ajenti-v-php7.0-fpm'


Ajenti failed to load angular

bouguerra naim il y a 4 ans 0

After i install  ajenty in my ubuntu server 16.04 i run my ip :8000 i got a white page in the chrome console i found some errors failed to load all.vendor.js failed to load angular js


How can I upload a plugin into community?

Tifer King il y a 5 ans 0

I'v developed a plugin and uploaded to pypi. And what should I do to makes it display in the community plugin section which is contained in the ajenti penal?

I found that the list of plugin is dowloaded from http://ajenti.org/plugins/list. So  how can i get access to it?


hey people

samantha cruz il y a 5 ans 0

hey everyone


Site is read only

Sidon Duarte il y a 5 ans mis à jour par Desenvolvimento TI Unimed Ji-P il y a 5 ans 1

I instaled ajenti in a ubuntu 18.04 LTS with gunicorn/nginx as a webserver, all seems to work fine, but after login, the site appears with a black bar on top, with 2 icons and seems "read-only", no clicks work.


install rainloop debian not working authentication failed

Moshe il y a 5 ans 0

hello I use ajenti for 1 year and frankly it is great. the problem for 1 year I can send mail only locally I try to configure exim4 but it does not work. I installed rainloop and I manage to connect to admin but not on mailboxes. when i create a user mail i see it on exim but i have the impression that rainloop has no access to the user. how to do. thank you


bind9 plugin

wdatkinson il y a 5 ans 0

I'm trying to figure out how get bind9 support in ajenti.  Here's what I've done:

  1. Install VM from base debian 9.8 image
  2. Use installer script to install ajenti
  3. installed bind9
  4. git cloned the entire ajenti repository

I see there is a bind9 plugin within the cloned repo, but I don't know what to do with it.  I've STF'd here as well as googled for ajenti and bind9 in various searches and could yield nothing solid.  I find references to bind9 functionality, but nothing detailing how to install the


uninstall ajenti 2 on ubuntu

m7studio il y a 5 ans 0

Please help me ?


Where ajenti store all users scripts?

tirenka il y a 5 ans 0

I'm going to use ajenti on small servers. Time to time I'll need to add a

new script on the server. I want to automate this procedure.

help to find the part of config file or file which contains all current

scripts. So I can use ansible to propagate these settings onto all of

my servers.