Welcome to the Ajenti Idea Exchange. It's your chance to collaborate with our team and other users to influence the future of Ajenti! Ideas appreciated.


Hello eveybody, I want to know if ajenti includes email server

David Mkhitaryan il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 11 ans 0
Ajenti doesn't include any third party software.

Обработка php в html

xyz il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Alex Strij il y a 7 ans 2
Доброе время суток.

Необходимо чтобы php-код обрабатывался в html cтраницах. 
Как я понял, нужно что-то вроде "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html" только под nginx.
Пытался сконвертировать вышесказанное в http://winginx.com/en/htaccess и вбить в Custom Configuration.
Пытался вбить туда сотню аналогичных вариаций из гугла.
Пробовал менее очевидные вещи.
Но всё безрезультатно. Надеюсь на помощь.

"Websites" section missing - Answer provided for documentation

Worp il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Ivan Nikolaev il y a 9 ans 3
Wow, what an amazing project! I hope we can get it to work on my setup =)

Here is a little detail that I feel was overlooked in the docs:

I ran through the very basic installation on Ubuntu 14.04. using these articles:
http://support.ajenti.org/topic/349868-installing-on-ubuntu/ (method #2)
and set up V with this article:

But the "Websites" tab was missing.

The problem was that, obviously but somehow forgotten, I need to grant my user permissions for the new sections.

So go to your "configure" tab, click on your user and check the new fields there. Then you can see the tab.

For others who overlooked that like me, this should be helpful.

how to deploy codeigniter on ajenti over nginx

Bruno Ureña il y a 9 ans 0

Hi, i want a example about the correct form to install codeigniter on ajenti v


Sogo there to t he project ?

Mister74 il y a 9 ans 0
Sorry to create the translation with Google Translate?
Knowing that I'm not a dev in linux, but simply a "love" in every respect to the Open Source in general.
I wonder if one of you to create a project of integrating Sogo (sogo.nu, exchange integrate with OpenChange) with Ajenti?
Many greetings

Ajenti & Exim: Outbound EHLO and IP for different domains

Gobelet il y a 10 ans 0

I have been reading a lot on how to make Exim go through different interfaces and show different hostnames while sending e-mails, and I mostly see advice to set it up properly in cPanel.

I have several interfaces on my server with different IPs (IPv4s and IPv6s), and one domain in particular needs to send e-mail through a particular interface (well, two: one IPv4 and one IPv6). As of now, all my e-mail has been marked as spam by Gmail, because I believe I am sending e-mail through another server than the inbound one (as Exim listens to all the interfaces).

My question is, is there a way, like in cPanel/WHM and DirectAdmin, to attribute different EHLO responses and outbound IPs to different domains? Is that a future development or should I cobble up together some rules?

Last question, if I do that, in which custom configuration box should I input all this?

Thanks! Keep up the great work!

Custom Services in /etc/init.d/ do not show up in Ajenti Services Plugin

Ron DaDon il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 12 ans 3

Hello there!

I have installed ajenti and it is working. 

I am using sickbeard, couchpotato, pyLoad, headphones, sabnzbd.

I have put them all in the /var/www/ folder.

I am using init.d scripts to start/stop them manually and start them on boot.

It is all working but ajenti does not show them up in the "services" list.

If I run rcconf on debian it lists all these services but ajenti doesent show them up under the services tab.

I would really want to have the possibility to start and stop these custom services over the ajenti Web-UI.

If this is not possible with the services Plugin, Is there any way to bind custom shell commands to WebUI buttons, so I can start and stop those services with one click over the Ajenti WebUI.... This is something I am really missing.

THank you in advance!


Can we work on the MySQL section?

JL Griffin il y a 9 ans 0
In general the MySQL Section is terrible. Im sorry if that offends some people, but it just is. You can create users, but you cant assign them permissions to a schema? You cant reset their password? you cant rename them? You cant set what hostnames a user is allowed to connect from? What is the point of using the GUI? i always end up just connecting to terminal and using the mysql console because you cant actually use the one on the mysql gui because it wont return errors! and on top of that, no data appears under any lists unless i create a new schema... THEN the lists populate and i can delete the worthless schema i just created...

this section needs SERIOUS work. I would offer some fixes, but im a PHP dev, i have no idea how this fancy node stuff works. Can Eugeny or some wonderous node whiz make improvements to this section please?

Как настроить Ajenti V для Wordpress Multisite

Никак не могу разобраться с настройками Wordpress Multisite. Вот мануал по настройке http://codex.wordpress.org/Nginx , Как и куда их занести чтобы сайт работал как мультиблог?

Administration of Icecast2 from Ajenti

Neoliner il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) il y a 11 ans 0