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Rick Stiger 8 aastat tagasi 0

wordpress installation

luculuc 8 aastat tagasi 0


Is there a solution like CPANEL to create a "wordpress" site in a few clicks?
I know we use "automatic upload" to upload the latest version of wordpress, but first problem (which wastes time) This is creating a "Wordpress" folder at the root of the parent folder. then we must above all create a database, user, password ... it would be interesting to have a plugin or function to create all in 3 clicks. Does this exist with Ajenti V?

thank you !


https problem between two domain name

luculuc 8 aastat tagasi uuendatud 8 aastat tagasi 0

Hi, I have a problem with a SSL certificate on a web site. I've open a post on forum Google : https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/webmasters/RNKw6PeR9oM;context-place=forum/webmasters

In Ajenti I have a certificate just for one site : fleurdujardin.fr and visibly this one impact http://www.graphywest.com it's what we see in google site:www.graphywest.com. In Ajenti there is no configuration in "SSL" or "Port" for this website. Do you have an idea ? Have you ever had this case ?


please help for this

陳耀宗 8 aastat tagasi 0

ERROR Could not bind to (u'', 8000)

Drew Jocham 8 aastat tagasi 0

I ran:

ajenti-panel -v

and got the following output:

05.09.2016 11:27 core.py:99 INFO Starting server on (u'', 8000)

05.09.2016 11:27 core.py:121 ERROR Could not bind to (u'', 8000)

Just to make sure the port was listening I ran:

netstat -tlnp | grep 8000

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 22

Since I am on a Debian Server I read this is a common issue so I ran:

sudo install gevent --upgrade


aptitude install python-dev

Still having the same issue.

I installed Ajenti via:

wget -O- https://raw.github.com/ajenti/ajenti/1.x/scripts/install-debian.sh | sh




Jasson Smith 8 aastat tagasi 0

Ajenti show message: "Connection lost" every 10 seconds.


Laravel on Ajenti V

PHKenny 8 aastat tagasi 0

I have a problem with my laravel project.

I try to run my laravel in a server with ajenti v, but return HTTP error 500. I tried to change PHP Fast-CGI config in webiste, Custom configuration but doesn't work.

They can help me?



Pedro Ponte 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja Kelly A. Lindauer 6 aastat tagasi 2

how to autostart on system reboot? Please add to FAQ / install steps


Start SAMBA from Ajenti or CLI

AlexL 8 aastat tagasi uuendatud 8 aastat tagasi 1

CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core);


If I launch smbd from CLI, then I have full access to shared locations, as well as it is necessary.
If I launch smbd from Ajenti web interface, then I see in shared locations only folders and I can't write or create, but I can delete folders.

>testparm -s

# Global parameters
workgroup = INVEST
server string = Samba Server Version %v
security = USER
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
load printers = No
printcap name = /dev/null
disable spoolss = Yes
idmap config * : backend = tdb
printing = bsd
comment = Home Directories
read only = No
browseable = No
path = /home/bases
read only = No
create mask = 0766
directory mask = 0777
dfree cache time = -1
preopen:queuelen =
preopen:helpers =
preopen:num_bytes =
preopen:names =


Is Emperor mode in uwsgi advisable in deploying flask applicaitons?

KOKOU AFIDEGNON 8 aastat tagasi 0

I just come accross ajenti, after playing with it, i wanted to deploy my flask applicaiton.

however I have lot of flask applications which i need to be online.

Is it advisable to deploy uwsgi in ajenti on emperor mode or the normal configuration settings is ok?