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Ikke en bug

[Errno 256] When trying to install package

Harris Marfel 10 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 år siden 3

I wanted to report this bug i found.

[root@IDRBILNXLT01 ~]# yum clean metadata
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Cleaning repos: ajenti base c6-media epel extras remi updates
18 metadata files removed
7 sqlite files removed
0 metadata files removed
[root@IDRBILNXLT01 ~]# yum install ajenti-v ajenti-v-nginx ajenti-v-mysql ajenti-v-php-fpm php-mysql
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* c6-media:
* remi: rpms.famillecollet.com
ajenti | 951 B 00:00
ajenti/primary | 24 kB 00:00
ajenti 74/74
base | 3.7 kB 00:00
base/primary_db | 4.4 MB 00:15
c6-media | 4.0 kB 00:00 ...
c6-media/primary_db | 4.4 MB 00:00 ...
epel | 4.4 kB 00:00
epel/primary_db | 6.3 MB 00:21
extras | 3.4 kB 00:00
extras/primary_db | 19 kB 00:00
remi | 2.9 kB 00:00
remi/primary_db | 732 kB 00:02
updates | 3.4 kB 00:00
updates/primary_db | 4.7 MB 00:16
Setting up Install Process
Package ajenti-v-0.2.44-1.noarch already installed and latest version
Package ajenti-v-nginx-0.1.27-1.noarch already installed and latest version
Package ajenti-v-php-fpm-0.1.17-1.noarch already installed and latest version
Package php-mysql-5.4.31-1.el6.remi.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package ajenti-v-mysql.noarch 0:0.3.1-1 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

Package Arch Version Repository Size
ajenti-v-mysql noarch 0.3.1-1 ajenti 5.4 k

Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package(s)

Total download size: 5.4 k
Installed size: 9.7 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
ajenti-v-mysql-0.3.1-1.noarch.rpm | 5.4 kB 00:00
http://repo.ajenti.org/ng/centos/6/x86_64/ajenti-v-mysql-0.3.1-1.noarch.rpm: [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=ajenti clean metadata
Trying other mirror.

Error Downloading Packages:
ajenti-v-mysql-0.3.1-1.noarch: failure: ajenti-v-mysql-0.3.1-1.noarch.rpm from ajenti: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
yum clean all and try again (see Troubleshooting on the install page).

Ajenti bug report -------------------- Info | Value ----- | ----- Ajenti | Platform | centos / centos / Linux 2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64 x86_64 Architecture | x86_64 x86_64 Python | 2.6.6 Installation | 7025029 Debug | False Catcher report | h

Wonhwa Jung 10 år siden opdateret 10 år siden 4
Ajenti bug report

Info | Value
----- | -----
Ajenti |
Platform | centos / centos / Linux 2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64 x86_64
Architecture | x86_64 x86_64
Python | 2.6.6
Installation | 7025029
Debug | False
Catcher report | http://ajenti.org/catcher/view/34215
Loaded plugins | ajenti_org, codemirror, configurator, dashboard, db_common, exports, fstab, hdparm, hosts, iptables, logs, main, mysql, network, notepad, ntpd, packages, plugins, power, psql, raid, resolv, resources, scripts, sensors, services, smartctl, taskmgr, terminal, users, webserver_common

Library | Version
------- | -------
gevent | 1.0.1
greenlet | 0.4.2
reconfigure | 0.1.59
requests | 1.1.0
psutil | 0.6.1

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/plugins/main/main.py", line 158, in handle_message
self.ui.dispatch_event(update['uid'], update['event'], update['params'])
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/__init__.py", line 72, in dispatch_event
self.root.dispatch_event(uid, event, params)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 382, in dispatch_event
if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 382, in dispatch_event
if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 382, in dispatch_event
if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 382, in dispatch_event
if child.dispatch_event(uid, event, params):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/ui/element.py", line 388, in dispatch_event
getattr(self, k)(**(params or {}))
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ajenti/plugins/services/main.py", line 88, in on_start
AttributeError: 'ServiceControlBar' object has no attribute 'service'

Log content:

2014-08-30 15:00:52,433 INFO ajenti-panel.<module>(): Using config file /etc/ajenti/config.json
2014-08-30 15:00:52,635 INFO registry.register_crypt_handler(): registered crypt handler 'sha512_crypt': <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
2014-08-30 15:00:52,772 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: git describe --tags 2> /dev/null
2014-08-30 15:00:52,786 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['lsb_release', '-sd']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,793 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['uname', '-mrs']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,799 INFO core.run(): Ajenti running on platform: centos
2014-08-30 15:00:52,801 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin notepad
2014-08-30 15:00:52,801 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: main
2014-08-30 15:00:52,801 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin main
2014-08-30 15:00:52,812 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin notepad
2014-08-30 15:00:52,812 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: codemirror
2014-08-30 15:00:52,812 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin codemirror
2014-08-30 15:00:52,813 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin notepad
2014-08-30 15:00:52,814 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin dashboard
2014-08-30 15:00:52,818 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin megaraid
2014-08-30 15:00:52,818 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [megaraid] skipping due to FileDependency (/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli)
2014-08-30 15:00:52,819 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ajenti_org
2014-08-30 15:00:52,820 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin mysql
2014-08-30 15:00:52,821 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: db_common
2014-08-30 15:00:52,821 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin db_common
2014-08-30 15:00:52,821 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: services
2014-08-30 15:00:52,821 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin services
2014-08-30 15:00:52,900 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,909 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin db_common
2014-08-30 15:00:52,910 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin mysql
2014-08-30 15:00:52,911 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mysql']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,916 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mysqld_safe']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,923 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin samba
2014-08-30 15:00:52,923 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,928 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [samba] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smbd)
2014-08-30 15:00:52,929 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin bind9
2014-08-30 15:00:52,930 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,935 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [bind9] skipping due to BinaryDependency (named)
2014-08-30 15:00:52,936 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin fm
2014-08-30 15:00:52,936 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: tasks
2014-08-30 15:00:52,936 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin tasks
2014-08-30 15:00:52,937 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: cron
2014-08-30 15:00:52,937 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin cron
2014-08-30 15:00:52,937 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,942 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [cron] skipping due to BinaryDependency (crontab)
2014-08-30 15:00:52,943 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin plugins
2014-08-30 15:00:52,944 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin hddtemp
2014-08-30 15:00:52,945 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,950 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [hddtemp] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hddtemp)
2014-08-30 15:00:52,951 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ipmi
2014-08-30 15:00:52,951 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,956 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [ipmi] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ipmitool)
2014-08-30 15:00:52,957 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin taskmgr
2014-08-30 15:00:52,992 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin munin
2014-08-30 15:00:52,993 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2014-08-30 15:00:52,998 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [munin] skipping due to BinaryDependency (munin-cron)
2014-08-30 15:00:52,999 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin resources
2014-08-30 15:00:53,002 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin iptables
2014-08-30 15:00:53,005 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ip6tables']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,011 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin logs
2014-08-30 15:00:53,013 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin network
2014-08-30 15:00:53,017 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin fstab
2014-08-30 15:00:53,021 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin supervisor
2014-08-30 15:00:53,022 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,026 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [supervisor] skipping due to BinaryDependency (supervisord)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,027 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin exports
2014-08-30 15:00:53,028 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nfsstat']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,033 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin dhcpd
2014-08-30 15:00:53,034 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,039 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [dhcpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (dhcpd)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,040 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin users
2014-08-30 15:00:53,042 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin configurator
2014-08-30 15:00:53,044 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin hdparm
2014-08-30 15:00:53,044 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hdparm']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,050 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin nginx
2014-08-30 15:00:53,051 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: webserver_common
2014-08-30 15:00:53,051 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin webserver_common
2014-08-30 15:00:53,053 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin nginx
2014-08-30 15:00:53,053 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,058 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [nginx] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nginx)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,059 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin squid
2014-08-30 15:00:53,059 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,064 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [squid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (squid3)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,065 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin netatalk
2014-08-30 15:00:53,066 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,071 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [netatalk] skipping due to BinaryDependency (afpd)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,072 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin apache
2014-08-30 15:00:53,072 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,077 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [apache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (httpd)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,078 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin psql
2014-08-30 15:00:53,079 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'psql']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,085 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ntpd
2014-08-30 15:00:53,085 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ntpd']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,143 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [UpstartServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_upstart.UpstartServiceManager object at 0x2bb4ed0>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,144 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [CentOSServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_sysvinit_centos.CentOSServiceManager object at 0x2bb4f10>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,144 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [ServiceMultiplexor] <ajenti.plugins.services.api.ServiceMultiplexor object at 0x2bb4a10>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,145 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin nsd
2014-08-30 15:00:53,145 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,150 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [nsd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nsd)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,151 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin snmpd
2014-08-30 15:00:53,152 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,157 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [snmpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (snmpd)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,157 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin power
2014-08-30 15:00:53,159 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'systemctl']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,164 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'pm-hibernate']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,170 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin apcups
2014-08-30 15:00:53,171 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,176 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [apcups] skipping due to BinaryDependency (apcaccess)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,177 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin sensors
2014-08-30 15:00:53,180 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin resolv
2014-08-30 15:00:53,181 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin scripts
2014-08-30 15:00:53,182 DEBUG __init__.load_recursive(): Preloading plugin dependency: terminal
2014-08-30 15:00:53,182 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin terminal
2014-08-30 15:00:53,198 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin scripts
2014-08-30 15:00:53,199 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin ctdb
2014-08-30 15:00:53,200 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,205 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [ctdb] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ctdb)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,206 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin smartctl
2014-08-30 15:00:53,207 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smartctl']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,213 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin hosts
2014-08-30 15:00:53,214 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin packages
2014-08-30 15:00:53,218 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin fail2ban
2014-08-30 15:00:53,218 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,223 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [fail2ban] skipping due to BinaryDependency (fail2ban-client)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,224 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin mongo
2014-08-30 15:00:53,225 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,230 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [mongo] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mongod)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,231 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin raid
2014-08-30 15:00:53,231 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mdadm']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,238 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin memcache
2014-08-30 15:00:53,239 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,244 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [memcache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (memcached)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,245 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin csf
2014-08-30 15:00:53,245 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,250 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [csf] skipping due to BinaryDependency (csf)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,251 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin lm_sensors
2014-08-30 15:00:53,252 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,257 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [lm_sensors] skipping due to BinaryDependency (sensors)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,258 DEBUG __init__.load(): Loading plugin openvpn
2014-08-30 15:00:53,259 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2014-08-30 15:00:53,264 WARNING __init__.load(): *** [openvpn] skipping due to BinaryDependency (openvpn)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,266 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [Inflater] <ajenti.ui.inflater.Inflater object at 0x28dd590>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,269 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [UI] <ajenti.ui.UI object at 0x2ca2d90>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,270 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:input-dialog
2014-08-30 15:00:53,271 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:file-dialog
2014-08-30 15:00:53,272 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:file-dialog-save
2014-08-30 15:00:53,274 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout main:passwd-main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,277 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:listitem
2014-08-30 15:00:53,278 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:config
2014-08-30 15:00:53,279 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout notepad:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,308 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:welcome
2014-08-30 15:00:53,309 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:dash
2014-08-30 15:00:53,314 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout dashboard:text
2014-08-30 15:00:53,315 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout ajenti_org:config
2014-08-30 15:00:53,316 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout ajenti_org:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,319 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,322 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,325 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout services:bar
2014-08-30 15:00:53,326 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout db_common:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,334 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout mysql:config
2014-08-30 15:00:53,336 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout plugins:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,350 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout taskmgr:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,357 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-custom
2014-08-30 15:00:53,359 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-address
2014-08-30 15:00:53,360 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option
2014-08-30 15:00:53,361 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-ports
2014-08-30 15:00:53,362 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-reject-with
2014-08-30 15:00:53,363 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,371 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-match
2014-08-30 15:00:53,373 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-state
2014-08-30 15:00:53,374 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-protocol
2014-08-30 15:00:53,375 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-interface
2014-08-30 15:00:53,376 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout iptables:option-port
2014-08-30 15:00:53,377 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout logs:config
2014-08-30 15:00:53,377 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout logs:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,394 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,397 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ipv4
2014-08-30 15:00:53,399 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ifupdown
2014-08-30 15:00:53,401 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,406 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-dhcp
2014-08-30 15:00:53,408 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout network:bit-linux-basic
2014-08-30 15:00:53,410 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:free-widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,411 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,413 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:iio-widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,415 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout fstab:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,434 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout exports:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,450 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout users:user-list
2014-08-30 15:00:53,468 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout users:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,488 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:licensing
2014-08-30 15:00:53,491 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:ldap-sync-config
2014-08-30 15:00:53,492 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,516 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout configurator:ad-sync-config
2014-08-30 15:00:53,518 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout hdparm:widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,520 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout webserver_common:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,532 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout ntpd:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,536 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout power:widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,539 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:progressbar-widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,541 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:cpu-widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,542 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:cpu-line
2014-08-30 15:00:53,543 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout sensors:value-widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,545 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout resolv:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,548 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout terminal:config
2014-08-30 15:00:53,548 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout terminal:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,551 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout scripts:widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,562 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout smartctl:widget
2014-08-30 15:00:53,564 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout hosts:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,568 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:row
2014-08-30 15:00:53,570 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,579 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:installer
2014-08-30 15:00:53,580 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout packages:headers
2014-08-30 15:00:53,580 DEBUG inflater.precache(): Precaching layout raid:main
2014-08-30 15:00:53,586 INFO core.run(): Starting server on (u'', 8000)
2014-08-30 15:00:53,598 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [SessionMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0x370f490>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,599 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [AuthenticationMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware object at 0x370f710>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,601 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [CentralDispatcher] <ajenti.routing.CentralDispatcher object at 0x370f8d0>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,601 INFO core.run(): SSL enabled: /etc/ajenti/ajenti.pem
2014-08-30 15:00:53,603 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [IPCServer] <ajenti.ipc.IPCServer object at 0x370d950>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,605 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [Licensing] <ajenti.licensing.Licensing object at 0x370d990>
2014-08-30 15:00:53,608 DEBUG feedback.send(): Feedback >> ping ({'edition': 'vanilla', 'version': '', 'os': 'centos', 'id': 68591})
2014-08-30 15:00:53,617 INFO connectionpool._new_conn(): Starting new HTTP connection (1): meta.ajenti.org
2014-08-30 15:00:54,822 DEBUG connectionpool._make_request(): "POST /api/v2/ping HTTP/1.1" 200 36
2014-08-30 15:00:54,823 DEBUG feedback.send(): Feedback << {"status": "ok"}
2014-08-30 15:00:59,362 DEBUG virtsocket.spawn(): Spawning sub-Socket Greenlet: _heartbeat
2014-08-30 15:00:59,363 DEBUG virtsocket.spawn(): Spawning sub-Socket Greenlet: _heartbeat_timeout
2014-08-30 15:01:06,328 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [MainServer] <ajenti.plugins.main.main.MainServer object at 0x38d2f90>
2014-08-30 15:01:06,329 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [ContentServer] <ajenti.plugins.resources.server.ContentServer object at 0x38da250>
2014-08-30 15:01:06,331 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [TerminalHttp] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalHttp object at 0x38da290>
2014-08-30 15:01:07,653 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [ContentCompressor] <ajenti.plugins.resources.server.ContentCompressor object at 0x326fc90>
2014-08-30 15:02:03,439 DEBUG virtsocket._heartbeat_timeout(): heartbeat timed out, killing socket
2014-08-30 15:02:03,439 DEBUG virtsocket.kill(): Calling disconnect() on sessid='305538185088' client_queue[2] server_queue[1] hits=4
2014-08-30 15:02:03,439 DEBUG virtsocket.detach(): Removing sessid='305538185088' client_queue[2] server_queue[1] hits=4 from server sockets
2014-08-30 15:03:43,432 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [UserManager] <ajenti.users.UserManager object at 0x32516d0>
2014-08-30 15:03:43,437 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [AjentiSyncProvider] <ajenti.usersync.local.AjentiSyncProvider object at 0x3267c10>
2014-08-30 15:03:43,518 INFO users.check_password(): user root logged in through AjentiSyncProvider from
2014-08-30 15:03:44,335 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [MainServer] <ajenti.plugins.main.main.MainServer object at 0x3267a50>
2014-08-30 15:03:44,335 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ContentServer] <ajenti.plugins.resources.server.ContentServer object at 0x32679d0>
2014-08-30 15:03:44,337 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TerminalHttp] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalHttp object at 0x3267ad0>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,031 DEBUG handler.run_application(): Initializing WebSocket
2014-08-30 15:03:48,031 DEBUG handler.upgrade_websocket(): Validating WebSocket request
2014-08-30 15:03:48,032 DEBUG handler.upgrade_connection(): Attempting to upgrade connection
2014-08-30 15:03:48,032 DEBUG handler.upgrade_connection(): WebSocket request accepted, switching protocols
2014-08-30 15:03:48,032 DEBUG virtsocket.spawn(): Spawning sub-Socket Greenlet: send_into_ws
2014-08-30 15:03:48,033 DEBUG virtsocket.spawn(): Spawning sub-Socket Greenlet: read_from_ws
2014-08-30 15:03:48,033 DEBUG virtsocket.spawn(): Spawning sub-Socket Greenlet: _heartbeat
2014-08-30 15:03:48,033 DEBUG virtsocket.spawn(): Spawning sub-Socket Greenlet: _heartbeat_timeout
2014-08-30 15:03:48,635 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [UI] <ajenti.ui.UI object at 0x323b210>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,643 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PasswordChangeSection] <main:section # 4719>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,676 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Controller] <ajenti.plugins.notepad.notepad.Controller object at 0x391ded0>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,676 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Notepad] <main:section # 4732>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,719 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [AjentiUpdater] <ajenti.plugins.dashboard.updater.AjentiUpdater object at 0x392b090>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,723 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [YumPackageManager] <ajenti.plugins.packages.pm_yum.YumPackageManager object at 0x392b250>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,724 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Dash] <main:section # 5144>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,739 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [UpstartServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_upstart.UpstartServiceManager object at 0x392bed0>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,740 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [CentOSServiceManager] <ajenti.plugins.services.sm_sysvinit_centos.CentOSServiceManager object at 0x392bf10>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,740 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ServiceMultiplexor] <ajenti.plugins.services.api.ServiceMultiplexor object at 0x392be10>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,740 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Services] <main:section # 5240>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,751 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [MySQLDB] <ajenti.plugins.mysql.api.MySQLDB object at 0x3932210>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,751 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [MySQLPlugin] <main:section # 5266>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,757 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PluginsPlugin] <main:section # 5327>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,763 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TaskManager] <main:section # 5376>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,773 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [CentOSFirewallManager] <ajenti.plugins.iptables.main.CentOSFirewallManager object at 0x393c310>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,775 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Firewall] <main:section # 5421>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,784 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [CentOSIPv6FirewallManager] <ajenti.plugins.iptables.main.CentOSIPv6FirewallManager object at 0x393c510>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,786 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [IPv6Firewall] <main:section # 5474>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,795 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Logs] <main:section # 5527>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,802 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['ifconfig', 'lo']
2014-08-30 15:03:48,807 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['yum', '-C', '-q', '-d0', '-e0', 'check-update']
2014-08-30 15:03:48,828 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['ifconfig', 'eth0']
2014-08-30 15:03:48,839 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [CentosNetworkConfig] <ajenti.plugins.network.nc_centos.CentosNetworkConfig object at 0x3943a10>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,842 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [NetworkPlugin] <main:section # 5665>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,863 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['df', '-P']
2014-08-30 15:03:48,881 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [MountsBackend] <ajenti.plugins.fstab.main.MountsBackend object at 0x2dc7ed0>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,884 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Filesystems] <main:section # 5702>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,895 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Exports] <main:section # 5862>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,916 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [LinuxUsersBackend] <ajenti.plugins.users.main.LinuxUsersBackend object at 0x3caaed0>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,918 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Users] <main:section # 5997>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,938 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ClassConfigManager] <ajenti.plugins.configurator.configurator.ClassConfigManager object at 0x3cb4a50>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,945 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Configurator] <main:section # 6308>
2014-08-30 15:03:48,952 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PSQLPlugin] <main:section # 6521>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,022 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['/etc/init.d/ntpd', 'status']
2014-08-30 15:03:49,224 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['/etc/init.d/ntpd', 'status']
2014-08-30 15:03:49,306 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [NTPDPlugin] <main:section # 6582>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,313 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Resolv] <main:section # 6618>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,319 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Terminals] <main:section # 6640>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,325 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Hosts] <main:section # 6656>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,355 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [Packages] <main:section # 6687>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,370 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [RAIDManager] <ajenti.plugins.raid.api.RAIDManager object at 0x3ce0f90>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,371 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [RAID] <main:section # 6785>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,374 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [HostnameSensor] <ajenti.plugins.sensors.hostname.HostnameSensor object at 0x3e848d0>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,383 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [MemorySensor] <ajenti.plugins.sensors.memory.MemorySensor object at 0x3e84b90>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,391 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [SwapSensor] <ajenti.plugins.sensors.memory.SwapSensor object at 0x3e84e90>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,405 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [UnixUptimeSensor] <ajenti.plugins.sensors.uptime.UnixUptimeSensor object at 0x3e8e590>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,414 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PowerSensor] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.PowerSensor object at 0x3e8eb90>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,417 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [BatterySensor] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.BatterySensor object at 0x3e92050>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,420 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PMUtilsPowerController] <ajenti.plugins.power.api.PMUtilsPowerController object at 0x3e8ec50>
2014-08-30 15:03:49,428 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [CPUSensor] <ajenti.plugins.sensors.cpu.CPUSensor object at 0x3e921d0>
2014-08-30 15:03:50,001 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['yum', '-C', '-d0', '-e0', 'list', 'installed', '-q']
2014-08-30 15:03:50,652 DEBUG dash.update_check_callback(): Update availability: []
2014-08-30 15:04:03,196 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,209 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,222 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,241 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,252 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,265 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,285 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,312 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,323 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-regex']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,333 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-regex']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,355 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,376 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,392 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,414 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,426 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,441 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,466 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,483 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,500 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,518 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,555 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,563 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,571 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,606 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,619 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,632 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,658 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,666 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,675 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,683 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,691 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,700 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,709 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,717 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,725 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-regex']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,734 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,743 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,752 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,761 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,769 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,778 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,787 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,796 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,805 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,814 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,824 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,832 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,843 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,852 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2014-08-30 15:04:03,862 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2014-08-30 15:04:53,289 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['su', 'postgres', '-c', 'psql -R"~~~" -A -t -c "\\l" ']
2014-08-30 15:05:09,518 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['su', 'postgres', '-c', 'psql -R"~~~" -A -t -c "\\l" ']
2014-08-30 15:05:16,706 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [AjentiSyncProvider] <ajenti.usersync.local.AjentiSyncProvider object at 0x4b10bd0>
2014-08-30 15:05:16,732 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [SectionPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.main.main.SectionPermissions object at 0x4b1b510>
2014-08-30 15:05:16,732 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [WidgetPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.dashboard.dash.WidgetPermissions object at 0x4b1b5d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:16,733 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ConfigurationPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.configurator.configurator.ConfigurationPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b1b610>
2014-08-30 15:05:16,733 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PowerPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.PowerPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b1b650>
2014-08-30 15:05:16,734 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TerminalPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b1b690>
2014-08-30 15:05:16,734 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ScriptPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.scripts.widget.ScriptPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b1b6d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:16,735 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PackagesPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.packages.main.PackagesPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b1b710>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,056 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [AjentiSyncProvider] <ajenti.usersync.local.AjentiSyncProvider object at 0x4b22610>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,087 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [SectionPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.main.main.SectionPermissions object at 0x4b22ed0>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,088 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [WidgetPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.dashboard.dash.WidgetPermissions object at 0x4b22f90>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,088 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ConfigurationPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.configurator.configurator.ConfigurationPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b22fd0>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,089 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PowerPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.PowerPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b22f10>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,089 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TerminalPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b22f50>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,089 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ScriptPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.scripts.widget.ScriptPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b250d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,090 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PackagesPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.packages.main.PackagesPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b25110>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,111 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [AjentiSyncProvider] <ajenti.usersync.local.AjentiSyncProvider object at 0x4b28c50>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,145 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [SectionPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.main.main.SectionPermissions object at 0x4b273d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,145 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [WidgetPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.dashboard.dash.WidgetPermissions object at 0x4b27490>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,146 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ConfigurationPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.configurator.configurator.ConfigurationPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b274d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,146 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PowerPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.PowerPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b27510>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,147 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TerminalPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b27550>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,147 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ScriptPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.scripts.widget.ScriptPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b27590>
2014-08-30 15:05:51,147 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PackagesPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.packages.main.PackagesPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b275d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,471 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [SectionPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.main.main.SectionPermissions object at 0x4b10050>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,472 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [WidgetPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.dashboard.dash.WidgetPermissions object at 0x4b2c2d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,472 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ConfigurationPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.configurator.configurator.ConfigurationPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2c310>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,473 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PowerPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.PowerPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2c350>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,473 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TerminalPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2c390>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,474 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ScriptPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.scripts.widget.ScriptPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2c3d0>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,474 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PackagesPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.packages.main.PackagesPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2c410>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,499 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [AjentiSyncProvider] <ajenti.usersync.local.AjentiSyncProvider object at 0x4b10710>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,527 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [WidgetPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.dashboard.dash.WidgetPermissions object at 0x4b2cc90>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,527 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ConfigurationPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.configurator.configurator.ConfigurationPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2cd50>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,528 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PowerPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.PowerPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2cd90>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,528 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TerminalPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2cdd0>
2014-08-30 15:05:54,528 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ScriptPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.scripts.widget.ScriptPermissionsProvider object at 0x4b2ce10>
2014-08-30 15:06:38,855 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,870 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,883 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,902 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,915 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,929 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,956 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,973 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2014-08-30 15:06:38,982 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-regex']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,003 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,024 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,040 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,062 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,074 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,096 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,116 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,132 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,149 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,168 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,211 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,221 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,250 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,263 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,277 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,303 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,312 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,321 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,330 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,339 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,348 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,357 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,366 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,374 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-regex']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,384 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,393 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,403 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,412 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,421 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,430 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,440 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,449 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,458 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,467 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,480 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,489 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,499 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,508 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2014-08-30 15:06:39,517 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2014-08-30 15:07:29,801 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Root context instantiated [AjentiSyncProvider] <ajenti.usersync.local.AjentiSyncProvider object at 0x4b25110>
2014-08-30 15:07:29,827 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [SectionPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.main.main.SectionPermissions object at 0x5abad90>
2014-08-30 15:07:29,827 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [WidgetPermissions] <ajenti.plugins.dashboard.dash.WidgetPermissions object at 0x5abaf50>
2014-08-30 15:07:29,828 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ConfigurationPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.configurator.configurator.ConfigurationPermissionsProvider object at 0x5aba850>
2014-08-30 15:07:29,828 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PowerPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.power.power.PowerPermissionsProvider object at 0x5abad10>
2014-08-30 15:07:29,829 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [TerminalPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.terminal.main.TerminalPermissionsProvider object at 0x5abadd0>
2014-08-30 15:07:29,829 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [ScriptPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.scripts.widget.ScriptPermissionsProvider object at 0x5abaf90>
2014-08-30 15:07:29,830 DEBUG __init__.instantiate(): Context for root instantiated [PackagesPermissionsProvider] <ajenti.plugins.packages.main.PackagesPermissionsProvider object at 0x5aba390>
2014-08-30 15:07:44,173 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,187 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,202 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,222 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,234 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,249 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,269 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,428 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,440 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-regex']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,462 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,486 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,504 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,527 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,540 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,556 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,576 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,600 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,619 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,639 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,677 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,687 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,723 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,738 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,752 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,780 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,789 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,798 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'named']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,808 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,818 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'csf']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,828 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,838 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,847 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-client']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,855 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'fail2ban-regex']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,865 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,876 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,885 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,895 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,904 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'mongod']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,913 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,924 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,933 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,943 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,952 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,964 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,973 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'smbstatus']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,983 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'snmpd']
2014-08-30 15:07:44,992 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
2014-08-30 15:07:45,002 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
2014-08-30 15:20:41,060 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['su', 'postgres', '-c', 'psql -R"~~~" -A -t -c "\\l" ']
2014-08-30 15:20:46,923 DEBUG compat.Popen(): Popen: ['su', 'postgres', '-c', 'psql -R"~~~" -A -t -c "\\l" ']

Fix committed

Redirect subdomains to corresponding main domain

Roman Random 9 år siden opdateret 9 år siden 5

I have multiple websites set up with multiple domains and I'm trying to redirect every subdomain to it's main domain, like this:

*.domain.com => domain.com

The problem is that no matter what I do all the subdomains apart from www get redirected to one domain:

w.domain1.com => w.domain1.com
w.domain2.com => w.domain1.com
w.domain3.com => w.domain1.com

Only www stays at the correct domain, but doesn't redirect... except for Wordpress websites:

www.domain1.com => domain1.com (Wordpress)
www.domain2.com => www.domain2.com

I tried setting *.domain.com in the Domains tab, I tried all of the suggested directives in the Content and Advanced tabs' custom configuration fields, and nothing seems to have any effect.

I also have set up a few websites with subdomains of domain1.com that point to different paths and work correctly. How can I catch all the subdomains apart from these and redirect them properly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Resellers Accounts

prgs1971 11 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 år siden 1

Ajenti have the features that supports Re-sellers Accounts?



Thibaut 10 år siden opdateret af Kathleen D. Baird 6 år siden 2

What needs to be done in order to make Ajenti compatible with SpamAssassin and vice-versa?

I can install SpamAssassin (it is just an apt-get away), but I see that it requires quite a lot of configuration. Same for Ajenti, the way it handles the server configuration is quite complex.

On a side note, are you still working on Ajenti-V and is this support forum still monitored?


How to increase the value of upload_max_filesize in wordpress environment?

Kai Shi 9 år siden opdateret af Christine Brown 7 år siden 2
have installed a wordpress website with Ajenti V, and struggling find a way to change the value of upload_max_filesize

Website down after reboot

Noel Issa 10 år siden 0

First I would like you to know that this problem is for a website that I took over ~6 months ago, so I didn't set it up and I'm not 100% familiar with Ajenti and what it can do.

So, I just (about an hour ago) rebooted the server on the Ajenti Dashboard, using the "AC Power" Reboot button. At that point I was logged in to SSH for I got a message saying "The system is going down for reboot NOW!", and the Ajenti page became grayed out and says "Reconnecting" with the spinning arrow (still spinning, not frozen).

Like I mentioned it's been like this for about an hour now. When I try to SSH in now I get the error saying "Connection refused". When I go to the website in a browser I get "this page is not available".

I'm really starting to get worried because I really don't think it should be taking this long.. Please let me know what I can do to get this website back up and running. If you need any other information please let me know.

Thanks !


Ubuntu Repo down? Getting 404.

Jonathan Melton 11 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 år siden 0

I'm getting the following error when running apt-get update:

W: Failed to fetch http://repo.ajenti.org/ng/debian/dists/main/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found

W: Failed to fetch http://repo.ajenti.org/ng/debian/dists/main/ubuntu/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found

W: Failed to fetch http://repo.ajenti.org/ng/debian/dists/main/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found

W: Failed to fetch http://repo.ajenti.org/ng/debian/dists/main/ubuntu/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

Is the Ubuntu Repo down?


Please give few hours for DNS to fully update (repo.ajenti.org will then point to a CDN).

Alternatively, add port :8888 to the repo URL


Selec text with mouse in CodeMirror in Content tab

Jakub Ďuraš 11 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 år siden 0
One can not select text in CodeMirror in Content tab of some website.


Роман Калугин 10 år siden opdateret af Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 år siden 1
Подскажите, можно ли использовать ваш продукт с бесплатной лицензией в муниципальном учреждении для мониторинга сервера базы данных? Городская больница. 
Да, разумеется. Любое использование кроме встраивания в коммерческий продукт бесплатно: http://ajenti.org/licensing

Kundesupport af UserEcho