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ajenti user cant login user

omerbsh fa 8 anys updated by mohammad mahmoodi fa 5 anys 1


i created account from root user and i cant connect to this user.

this how i create this user:

Image 142

after i create the user i logged out from root and tried to login with new user.

i always get this message:

Image 143

what can be the problam?



Install Nginx and Naxsi?

George C fa 8 anys actualitzat fa 8 anys 0

My last VPS was preconfigured with apache and basically the esential stuff to let me focus on my websites. Now I've switched to Vultr, for Nginx. Installed Ajenti - Ajenti V and didn't know back then that Naxsi can't be installed after Nginx but compiled and installed with it.

Should I save my Nginx config files, uninstall it, and install Nginx-Naxsi? Would I have to do any configuration after? I'm concerned not to break anything on my admin panel. I'm not too familiar with this.

Thank you.


how to view processes name?

zahiruddin fa 8 anys 0


Agenti is nice tool but there is no way to know the processes name, so we can not kill the less important process, plz guide me how we can view the name?

Image 141


repo ubuntu is down?

me fa 8 anys 0

Problem with NGINX install

netmaster2 fa 8 anys 0


i've installed ajenti on rapsbian like indicated on : http://support.ajenti.org/topics/1119-installing-on-raspbian/

first problem (solved)

the first issue is i had to specifically install :

gevent 1.1.2

greenlet 0.4.10

for ajenti to work

Because "greenlet==dev" is not avalaible on the repository ( not sure ...) and without gevent 1.1.2, the post login page (Dashboard) is blank and there are some JS errors ...

second problem (not solved)

My main question is about NGINX : on you screenshots i can see it in the software section :

(once my install is complete and functionnal it is not present)

please note : I dont want Ajenti-V with the "Web Sites" features witch seems to be only for locally hosted sites ( please correct me if i'm wrong)

but i don't find any way to get it installed as a part of ajenti.

in fact, i want to use the reverse proxy function for LAN servers hosting websites (IIS, Apache ...) but nothing hosted on the raspberry PI

Could you please help me about how to install and integrate it to ajenti AND if my goal (reverse proxy capabilities in LAN) is suitable ?

Thank you very much



Ajenti Knowlege Base still up do date for : installing on Ubuntu ?

Tippa fa 8 anys 0


Is the Ajenti Knowlege Base still up do date for subject “installing on Ubuntu“ ?

Can Ajenti be installed on all Ubuntu versions or only on specified versions (which one(s)) ?



“WEB / website“ items are not displayed in Ajenti menu (french) ???

Tippa fa 8 anys 0

I wish to set up a PHP website but “WEB / website“ items are not displayed in menu ???

So I can't follow instructions from the Ajenti KB subject about Setting up a PHP website with Ajenti V (Wordpress example), and this is a major issue !

May someone handy help me to find out why, and what to do... !?

I need this help shortly !



phpmyadmin ubuntu package

Matteo Tagliatti fa 8 anys actualitzat fa 8 anys 0

I'm used to develop websites on my local ubuntu server and install phpmyadmin from package repositories.

After Ajenti's installation I'm not able to access http://localhost/phpmyadmin (which is the default url) anymore.

Could you please give me some directions to get it working back again?

I've tried to setup a new website like described here and using correct path (which is /usr/share/phpmyadmin) but unfortunately it didn't work.

Thanks in advance


WebAsyst-ShopScript Ajenti integration

Daniil Maksimkin fa 8 anys 0

I'm pretty novice, but stuck in the implementation of the webasyst website.

My server on Centos 6

I was trying to insert this code (https://developers.webasyst.com/tips/nginx-fastcgi/) into Websites > Manager > Advanced Tab > Custom configuration

But it doesn't help me.

It seems to me that the main problem is just that. I have to make it clear to Nginx how webasyst structure looks like but i can't.


How to install Netatalk

bmostrey fa 8 anys 0

I need to install dependency afpd, I guess this falls under the netatalk package.

However when I install netatalk, the shares I create in Ajenti don't work.

Please help