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Me again :-/  So, I just tried pip to install Ajenti, and got other issues preventing the install.  Python is the source of the problems again.  Here is the error report: http://goo.gl/THuOEy

Any thoughts, please?
So, I'm having trouble with Python.  I have this installed: python-2.7.5-11.fc20.x86_64 

And Ajenti's dependencies requires this python 2.6.  Here is the full error message:

updated link: http://goo.gl/I6BxqB

Do you recommend I downgrade python?
Do you have the yum repository info as well?
You have apt-get on this article, it should be yum

$ sudo yum install ajenti-v ajenti-v-nginx ajenti-v-mysql ajenti-v-php-fpm;
$ sudo service ajenti restart;

Also, you aren't mentioning the repository to add first.

Actually, I am using Fedora 18.  It seems to me that the file on the repo.ajenti.org server is missing.