Your comments

Updated to Ajenti 0.99.17 and bug is still not fixed. Terminal screen goes black with a cursor and nothing else. When trying to install again it returns message: "Enqueueing package installation"

CentOS6.4 + 0.99-15 - issue with iptables fixed

CentOS6.4 + 0.99-15 - issue fixed

I was be able to update to 0.99.6 and today to 0.99.7. Also I have reported issues with iptables part and Apache part here:

Well, it looks like CentOS version is not even 1.0 but 0.99

Got panel to work but with HTTP connection not HTTPS. Any clue?

Well, installed new simplejson and still getting those spinning wheels :\

Should I uninstall and try to install it now?


service ajenti restart
Stopping Ajenti:
not running  [FAILED]
Starting Ajenti:
started  [  OK  ]

and then

service ajenti restart
Stopping Ajenti:
not running  [FAILED]
Starting Ajenti:
started  [  OK  ]

It says started but comes as not running.