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What mean fix released?. I got the same problem and I've installded ajenti-v just today.
HTTPS interface is just MEGA slow.

Also, the reources file at https://host:8000/ajenti:static/resources.js takes ages to load.

I really like the Ajenti look and it's functions, but I must know if I can fix the https slow load and avoid 4Mb download for administering server.

I use 3G networks to maintain servers so bandwich it's a must. Other solutions like VestaCP and Sentora loads in seconds. I don't undestand why Ajenti shoulnd't do same.

Best regards.

Thank you so much for that configuration converter, it's great.

Me too. I've see a very slow interface every time I tried Ajenti.
I'm a bit impressed and really don't know why so slow. I use a decent server and a modern Laptop, so hardware is not the problem.

I can answer myself. I remember this issue from the past. Run a2enmod ssl and all should work. The vhost SSL paths are not yet created so you must create them or load your own certs just adding the path. Thank you so much.
It's not easy to setup the https for a custom domain.
SSL cert generator does not show the path of the certs nor related info.
How should i add a vhost with SSL enabled?? (I've tried also with the _default_ vhost example).