Your comments

Ajenti V? Go to Websites > > Ports > 80 > Mark "Default"  > Apply
I think it might be possible to proxy to different hosts based on port - e.g., host:443/ajenti/ and host:444/ajenti/ with the same certificate
This isn't possible, because Ajenti pages include absolute /ajenti:.* URLs.
Also, "" and "" aren't domains. This can easily prevent NGINX from applying config changes (this will be visible in configuration checks).
I assume that is the website in question. Please confirm that all configuration checks are ok.
Это обычно лечится очисткой кэша в хроме.
Please post your current configuration (/etc/ajenti/vh.json file). Also make sure that all Configuration checks are ok on the Websites page.
Yes, ajenti-v-ftp-vsftpd package. However it's not recommended because some users had problems with it.