How Can I Uninstall Ajenti - Centos 7
yum remove ajenti:
[root@staticxx-xxx-xx-xxx ~]# yum remove ajenti
Yüklü eklentiler: fastestmirror
No Match for argument: ajenti
But still running at my 8000 port. How can I uninstall?
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho
I have this problem on centos 6.8 please help us.
Centos 7
"yum remove ajenti" does not work,
"pip uninstall ajenti" does not work,
"pip uninstall ajenti-panel" this works for me
in one single line uninstall all its package and plugins
pip uninstall ajenti-panel ajenti.plugin.dashboard ajenti.plugin.settings ajenti.plugin.plugins ajenti.plugin.notepad ajenti.plugin.terminal ajenti.plugin.filemanager ajenti.plugin.packages ajenti.plugin.services