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Thank you for your swift responses and very accurate answers. I hope *.website.com should be enough for me.
First question in above fixed ( dns refresh). Thank you.
I have just added www.website1.com to the same config under domains. Strangely enough it still sends me to website2.com. 

How about typo errors ? What if someone makes subdomain typos? Can I use a wildcard like *.website1.com ? For anything that is "NOT" defined?
Thank you I will test that. And my dns updates.

I have another problem. Added these:



on 2 websites in the manager and in the domains under the manager: website1.com for #1 and website2.com for #2. 

However if I enter www.website1.com it points me to website2.com ? What happened here ? 

Thank you
Thank you but I dont see a 301 in there? The 301 redirect is important for SEO. Also does this redirect both www -> no www and no www -> no www?