Your comments

Hi all. I have some troubles running my ajenti server and I was wondering if someone here can help me with that..
I need a professional support please. trying to install multiple rails applications (spree) on one server.

please contact me... 
thanks ahead. 
OK it worked! thanks!

now there is another error in the puma service.. 

and this is my supervisor logs:

2014-09-10 08:08:17,683 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3974
2014-09-10 08:08:17,692 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:18,440 INFO gave up: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
2014-09-10 08:08:27,338 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request
2014-09-10 08:08:27,475 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2014-09-10 08:08:27,513 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2014-09-10 08:08:27,514 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2014-09-10 08:08:27,516 INFO daemonizing the supervisord process
2014-09-10 08:08:27,518 INFO supervisord started with pid 3982
2014-09-10 08:08:28,522 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3984
2014-09-10 08:08:28,527 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:29,532 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3985
2014-09-10 08:08:29,537 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:31,544 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3986
2014-09-10 08:08:31,548 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:34,556 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3987
2014-09-10 08:08:34,560 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:35,561 INFO gave up: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
2014-09-10 08:08:35,932 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request
2014-09-10 08:08:36,106 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2014-09-10 08:08:36,147 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2014-09-10 08:08:36,147 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2014-09-10 08:08:36,149 INFO daemonizing the supervisord process
2014-09-10 08:08:36,152 INFO supervisord started with pid 3993
2014-09-10 08:08:37,157 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3995
2014-09-10 08:08:37,161 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:38,166 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3996
2014-09-10 08:08:38,188 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:40,194 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3997
2014-09-10 08:08:40,198 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:43,204 INFO spawned: 'store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0' with pid 3998
2014-09-10 08:08:43,208 INFO exited: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 (exit status 127; not expected)
2014-09-10 08:08:44,209 INFO gave up: store1ajentilocal-ruby-puma-0 entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
278,1 Bot

Any Idea?

I used which bundle and it's somewhere deep in .rvm folder...
How do I fix its $PATH...?

Hi, I followed after this tutorial step by step and got stuck on this part:

under content tab I don't see puma support...

and on the plugins tab I get error on puma bundle dependency...