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thank you very much for your answer.

On all these scripts I have no "status" command in there so i think this could be the issue here.

Here is a script for example i postet on pastebin:


This script does work but indeed has no "status" command in the script

When I run "service --status-all" i get this:

[ ? ]  bootmisc.sh

 [ ? ]  checkfs.sh

 [ ? ]  checkroot-bootclean.sh

 [ - ]  checkroot.sh

 [ ? ]  couchpotato

 [ + ]  cron

 [ - ]  hostname.sh

 [ ? ]  hwclock.sh

 [ ? ]  killprocs

 [ ? ]  kmod

 [ + ]  lighttpd

 [ - ]  motd

 [ ? ]  mountall-bootclean.sh

 [ ? ]  mountall.sh

 [ ? ]  mountdevsubfs.sh

 [ ? ]  mountkernfs.sh

 [ ? ]  mountnfs-bootclean.sh

 [ ? ]  mountnfs.sh

 [ ? ]  mtab.sh

 [ ? ]  networking

 [ - ]  procps

 [ ? ]  pyload

 [ ? ]  rc.local

 [ - ]  rmnologin

 [ + ]  samba

 [ ? ]  sendsigs

 [ ? ]  sickbeardtpb

 [ + ]  ssh

 [ - ]  stop-bootlogd

 [ - ]  stop-bootlogd-single

 [ + ]  supervisor

 [ + ]  transmission-daemon

 [ + ]  udev

 [ ? ]  udev-mtab

 [ ? ]  umountfs

 [ ? ]  umountnfs.sh

 [ ? ]  umountroot

 [ - ]  urandom

So where a "?" is in the brackets these services arent listed by ajenti service-plugin.

I am runngin ajenti on a really low profile ARM Board with 128MB Ram and I want to run as less services or programms needed. So I do not want to use an additional program like supervisor for it.


And a final question. When do you want to release the major update? Is there any date?

Thank you very much for your kind help! Greetings from Germany!! :)


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