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seems to come from nginx doesn't it?
Here's the entry where I can see the 405 error:
This is from the log file of the custom nginx site: - - [26/May/2014:13:50:27 -0400] "OPTIONS /owncloud/remote.php/webdav/ HTTP/1.1" 405 166 "-" "davfs2/1.4.6 neon/0.29.6"

I removed the brackets and it's now only the dav_ directives there.

But I still get 405 in my client...
Don't know if this is still ajenti related, but is there anything else I could do?

Thank you again!
Eugene, thank you for responding so fast!

Not sure I understood correctly:

In the Content section of that site's configuration I have now:
[^/]\.php(/|$) PHP FastCGI
URL pattern: [^/]\.php(/|$) Regex

and under "advanced", after your response, I added:

location [^/]\.php(/|$) {
dav_access user:rw group:rw all:r;
dav_ext_methods PROPFIND OPTIONS;

But it still does not work. Did I do something wrong here?
Does the open_basedir directive in ajenti now support multiple paths or not? I am not sure it does, my installation of owncloud was complaining about a open_basedir value which was set to /srv/owncloud, but owncloud was complaining that /tmp was not in open_basedir; I added both values and it still didn't work (colon separated), only after having the value to empty it would run fine.