Ваші коментарі

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT
I know what you mean Carlos, and I've done this too. For a dedicated machine you can partition it into a VPS using the Xen Project Hypervisor (open source) on any Linux distro. This is how companies like Linode build their solutions. Cloning and moving the images is another story.
Right. that's just for support, there is nothing to see there unless you log in. http://wordsrack.com is the main site.
You're welcome Carlos. I work with Wordsrack, a company in the US, with US and European Data Centers. http://apps.wordsrack.com
I cloned a snapshot of a server image that I have been working with Ajenti -V starting about 6 months ago, stable with about 20 sites on it. I stripped the websites out and changed the user and authentication keys. I use this now when a client wants a full blown WordPress site deployment system, or they modify it after delivery for their particular use. I buy a new IP address and copy the clone to the storage device and pick the flavor of server, RAM and Dedicated Core processors. (this is not a plugin as you had asked, but my solution).
The file authorized_keys file was still in place, but somehow I corrupted that existing user by what you said (recreated user).  So simply creating a new su user it's all back in good order. (and deleting the old one and his directory). It's just takes a bit getting used to being able to login to Ajenti with a password for that user, whose sudo password is actually different in a shell. I get it now:) Thanks Eugene.
VERSION="12.04.4 LTS, Precise Pangolin"
ssh >>
$ service stop ajenti
$ apt-get install -y mysql-server
$ mysql_secure_installation
$ service ajenti restart
