I was able to get my session elevated using the following steps. User Procale seems to have left out just a couple details, however I wouldn't have figured out this workaround without their help:
Follow these steps exactly (The following instructions assume the IP address of your server is "", you are running Ajenti on the default port 8000, and the username with sudo privileges is "someuser")
Navigate to (replace "someuser" with the username specific to your system) DO NOT CLICK AUTHENTICATE YET
Open a new tab/window in the same browser and navigate to the main login page (i.e
Enter your username and password, then click "Login"
Go back to the other tab/window from Step 1, then click Authenticate
Close the tab/window from Step 2 and continue working from the tab/window from Step 1.
I was able to verify that by following the above steps, privilege elevation is successful. Please note that this is only a workaround and is very annoying to say the least. I'll send this to developers in hopes they can re-work the release in order to eliminate the need for this workaround.
Follow these steps exactly (The following instructions assume the IP address of your server is "", you are running Ajenti on the default port 8000, and the username with sudo privileges is "someuser")
I was able to verify that by following the above steps, privilege elevation is successful. Please note that this is only a workaround and is very annoying to say the least. I'll send this to developers in hopes they can re-work the release in order to eliminate the need for this workaround.