Your comments

Debian 9/10 you need install:

apt-get install python-pip && pip install gevent==1.1b4 && service ajenti restart && reboot

did you try:

and some say its python-gevent has to be patched in debian repositories to work.. didnt try jet.

i think config is in config.json
getting blank screen after login?
have you tryed this one:

you are using gevent version 1.1b5, downgrade it to b3

# easy_install -U gevent==1.1b3
# sudo service ajenti restart

any better?
i am not so lucky so i got both Ajenti SSL problem and Blank screen after login :)
Using Debian Jessy 8.2, Ajenti v1.2.22.24

#1 problem in older software (before 2015-08 i think): ssl v3 (ajenti needs v2.3) fix in GitHub:
i missed this one:)

#2 still SSL problem, something with certificate (work around Mahdi post) install soft, enter server hosts ip and disable SSL #please don't do that on insecure networks!

How i get SSL working:
# sudo apt-get install python-pip && pip install passlib
# sudo apt-get install python-dev python-greenlet python-gevent python-vte python openssl python-crypto python-appindicator
Then insert the line "import ssl" to (line #10):
# nano /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gevent/

looks like:
it requires `ssl package`_ to be installed.
"import ssl"
.. _`ssl package`:

#sudo apt-get install python-setuptools && easy_install -U gevent
SSL should be ok until 2015-09-22, then you get ajenti blank screen after login, not nice :)

#3 Ajenti blank screen after login it is happening because gevent-1.1b5, you need to downgrade it to gevent-1.1b3

# easy_install -U gevent==1.1b3
# sudo service ajenti restart

and it should work 2015-09-23, hope it helps :)
it maybe works on ubuntu 14.x and 15.x try it..