Your comments

Added IPv6 support to ng branch

Please indicate your OS version

Try adding a simple status) command to the scripts which just does "echo $0 is running; exit 0", that should make --status-all work. If it does, you can probably use "status) pgrep couchpotato; exit $?" or so to return a correct status exitcode.

I can't really give you an estimate on new release since there's so much to do and so little people around willing to help, but I hope I'll be giving out betas in a month or so.

Hi Ron,

Ajenti uses "service --status-all" to get list of services. If your init.d script doesn't show up there, it's probably because it's missing metadata usually present in init.d scripts in the beginning of the file ("BEGIN INIT INFO" and stuff).

I've already written the click-to-run plugin but it will only arrive with the upcoming major update due to compatibility changes, but in the meantime, you can consider using Supervisord ( which does exactly what you want, and as a bonus it will keep an eye on your services and restart them if they die. And it's fully supported by your Ajenti version, so you will also get a dashboard widget that shows process status and lets you [re]start/stop it.

Best regards!

Most probably, Munin HTTP server isn't accessible from the host on which you're viewing Ajenti. This will be fixed in 1.x by proxying images through Ajenti.