
Starting NodeBB with "./nodebb start"

Roland Ng 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 6

While we can use app.js to start nodebb, it is preferred to use "./nodebb start" command as it allows the restart of nodebb via nodebb's admin control panel.

How do i configure Ajenti to start nodebb with "./nodebb start" instead of superviors "node app.js"


Under review
Hi Roland,

For this, create a new Process for NodeBB in the website settings (Processes tab). Then, use Reverse proxy content type instead of Node.js and point it to the NodeBB's port.
Under review
Hi Roland,

For this, create a new Process for NodeBB in the website settings (Processes tab). Then, use Reverse proxy content type instead of Node.js and point it to the NodeBB's port.
Could you please provide me with a working example of this? Ie, if the ./nodebb start is in /srv/nodebb/ - what would the processes screen look like?

Appreciate it in advance.
Hi Thanks!
working great now.

For those following this thread, 
Set url in reverse proxy to : localhost:4567
Could you please show me a screenshot of how you configured this process? I can't get it to start no matter what, I just get an error on the website status page. "such file". 
Reverse Proxy Settings:

Create a new process.

my full command is : /srv/forums-gameredge/nodebb start

so yours would be /srv/nodebb start