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How to access data entered into a dialog?

jaska tbaggins 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 10 lat temu 1

I am developing a plugin for Ajenti, which needs a (modal/popup) dialog to appear in which the user can enter data, such as a name, choose from a list of templates, etc. I can design the dialog in XML, and bind the id of the dialog to the python code in a file main.py, but how do I access the data which was entered by the user?

By binding the UI element to an object in main.py, does it store once it is saved?

For example, if in main.py, I have...

self.container.name = ' '
self.container.status= ' '
self.binder = Binder(self, self)

and in layout/main.xml:

<dialog id="foo" visible="False" buttons="
      {'id': 'save', 'text': _('Create')},
      {'id': 'cancel', 'text': _('Cancel')},">

<textbox bind="name" />
<textbox bind="status" />



Will these items be bound?


Z odpowiedzią
Hi, you when your dialog is done (i.e., fires 'button' event), you need to .update() the binder, so that your data objects are updated with the new data from UI. Example: https://github.com/Eugeny/ajenti/blob/master/ajenti/plugins/configurator/configurator.py#L228-L248
Z odpowiedzią
Hi, you when your dialog is done (i.e., fires 'button' event), you need to .update() the binder, so that your data objects are updated with the new data from UI. Example: https://github.com/Eugeny/ajenti/blob/master/ajenti/plugins/configurator/configurator.py#L228-L248