
не работает панель

Павел Кузьмин 11 years ago updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 years ago 13
обновил с версии 0.6.3 и ajenti перестал работать. Команда service ajenti restart работает, но сайт не открывается дебаг выдал:
30.08.2013 09:17 ajenti-panel:81               INFO  Ajenti starting in foreground
30.08.2013 09:17 registry.py:247               INFO  registered crypt handler 'sha512_crypt': <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
30.08.2013 09:17 core.py:95                    INFO  Ajenti 1.0.3 running on platform: debian
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin plugins
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:249               DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: main
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin main
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin plugins
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin raid
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [raid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mdadm)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin terminal
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin services
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:249               DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: dashboard
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin dashboard
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin services
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin vh
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:303               WARN   *** [vh] Plugin error: format error
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin network
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin memcache
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [memcache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (memcached)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin sensors
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin scripts
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin apache
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:249               DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: webserver_common
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin webserver_common
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin apache
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin ajenti_org
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin netatalk
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [netatalk] skipping due to BinaryDependency (afpd)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin bind9
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [bind9] skipping due to BinaryDependency (named)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin elements
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:303               WARN   *** [elements] Plugin error: format error
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin samba
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [samba] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smbd)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin openvpn
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [openvpn] skipping due to BinaryDependency (openvpn)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin squid
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin mysql
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:249               DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: db_common
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin db_common
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin mysql
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin logs
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin configurator
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin supervisor
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [supervisor] skipping due to BinaryDependency (supervisord)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin nginx
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [nginx] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nginx)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin codemirror
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin packages
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin hosts
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin users
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin resources
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin dhcpd
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [dhcpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (dhcpd)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin cron
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin ctdb
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [ctdb] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ctdb)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin nsd
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [nsd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nsd)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin notepad
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin fstab
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin exports
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [exports] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nfsstat)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin psql
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [psql] skipping due to BinaryDependency (psql)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin power
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin munin
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin iptables
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin taskmgr
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin resolv
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin lm-sensors
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [lm-sensors] skipping due to BinaryDependency (sensors)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin fm
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin megaraid
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [megaraid] skipping due to FileDependency (/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin smartctl
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [smartctl] skipping due to BinaryDependency (smartctl)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin hddtemp
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:309               WARN   *** [hddtemp] skipping due to BinaryDependency (hddtemp)
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin pkgman
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:303               WARN   *** [pkgman] Plugin error: format error
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin hddstat
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:303               WARN   *** [hddstat] Plugin error: format error
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin sysload
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:303               WARN   *** [sysload] Plugin error: format error
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin shell
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:303               WARN   *** [shell] Plugin error: format error
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:260               DEBUG Loading plugin filesystems
30.08.2013 09:17 __init__.py:303               WARN   *** [filesystems] Plugin error: format error
30.08.2013 09:17 core.py:39                    INFO  Starting SSL tunnel for port 59225
30.08.2013 09:17 core.py:118                   ERROR SSL tunnel failed to start
30.08.2013 09:17 core.py:123                   INFO  Starting server on (u'', 8082)
Activating emergency console
Caused by:
Stack frames:
  [  0] /usr/bin/ajenti-panel:86
  [  1] /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ajenti/core.py:133
Error in sys.excepthook:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/exconsole/console.py", line 22, in handle_exception
    launch(exception=value, extraceback=tb)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/exconsole/console.py", line 130, in launch
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/exconsole/console.py", line 77, in _cmd_stack
    lines, current_line = inspect.getsourcelines(frame)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/inspect.py", line 690, in getsourcelines
    lines, lnum = findsource(object)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/inspect.py", line 538, in findsource
    raise IOError('could not get source code')
IOError: could not get source code
Original exception was:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ajenti-panel", line 84, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ajenti/core.py", line 133, in run
  File "<string>", line 1, in bind
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

Порт Ajenti уже чем-то занят. Посмотрите netstat -tlnp | grep 8082

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      7214/stunnel4

переделал на 8000, перед запуском порт был пустым

kill 7214 и попробуйте снова


Если не поможет, то попробуйте проверить stunnel следующим образом: https://gist.github.com/Eugeny/6038158

выключил ssl и все заработало. Спасибо!

Приветствую всех!

Товарищи - не получается запустить Ajenti на CentOS.
Все эти способы https://gist.github.com/Eugeny/6038158 испробовал - результат = 0.
С чем может быть связано?
А ошибка в чем? Тот gist уже не применим, ему 8 месяцев и система HTTPS уже другая
Раньше просто: "Не удается отобразить эту страницу".
Сейчас: "Internal Server Error"

Хм.. PlexMediaServer тоже не запускается...
ОС чистая - только залитая
Запустите ajenti-panel -v и смотрите в консоль :)
мда... Помоги, пожалуйста, разобраться))

17.03.2014 00:06 ajenti-panel:70 INFO Using config file /etc/ajenti/config.json
17.03.2014 00:06 ajenti-panel:89 INFO Ajenti starting in foreground
17.03.2014 00:06 registry.py:247 INFO registered crypt handler 'sha512_crypt': <class 'passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt.sha512_crypt'>
/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gevent/socket.py:795: DeprecationWarning: gevent.sslold is deprecated; use gevent.ssl instead (install ssl package from PyPI)
from gevent.sslold import ssl, sslerror, SSLObject as SSLType
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: git describe --tags 2> /dev/null
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['lsb_release', '-sd']
17.03.2014 00:06 core.py:50 INFO Ajenti running on platform: centos
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin plugins
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: main
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin main
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin plugins
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin notepad
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: codemirror
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin codemirror
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin notepad
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin terminal
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin supervisor
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: services
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin services
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: dashboard
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin dashboard
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin services
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin supervisor
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'supervisord']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [supervisor] skipping due to BinaryDependency (supervisord)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin megaraid
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [megaraid] skipping due to FileDependency (/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin sensors
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin resolv
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin nsd
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nsd']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [nsd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nsd)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hddtemp
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'hddtemp']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin munin
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'munin-cron']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [munin] skipping due to BinaryDependency (munin-cron)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin squid
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'squid3']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [squid] skipping due to BinaryDependency (squid3)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin lm_sensors
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'sensors']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [lm_sensors] skipping due to BinaryDependency (sensors)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin tasks
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: cron
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin cron
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'crontab']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin tasks
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apache
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: webserver_common
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin webserver_common
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apache
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'httpd']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [apache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (httpd)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin configurator
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin users
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fm
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin dhcpd
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'dhcpd']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [dhcpd] skipping due to BinaryDependency (dhcpd)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ajenti_org
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin smartctl
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'smartctl']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin scripts
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin fstab
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin taskmgr
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin iptables
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hdparm
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'hdparm']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin apcups
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'apcaccess']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [apcups] skipping due to BinaryDependency (apcaccess)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin bind9
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'named']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [bind9] skipping due to BinaryDependency (named)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin openvpn
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'openvpn']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [openvpn] skipping due to BinaryDependency (openvpn)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ipmi
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ipmitool']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [ipmi] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ipmitool)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin packages
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin network
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin exports
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nfsstat']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin psql
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:286 DEBUG Preloading plugin dependency: db_common
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin db_common
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin psql
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'psql']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [psql] skipping due to BinaryDependency (psql)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin samba
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'smbd']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin power
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin raid
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mdadm']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin mysql
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'mysql']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [mysql] skipping due to BinaryDependency (mysql)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin memcache
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'memcached']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [memcache] skipping due to BinaryDependency (memcached)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin hosts
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin nginx
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'nginx']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [nginx] skipping due to BinaryDependency (nginx)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin resources
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin netatalk
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'afpd']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [netatalk] skipping due to BinaryDependency (afpd)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin logs
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:297 DEBUG Loading plugin ctdb
17.03.2014 00:06 compat.py:20 DEBUG Popen: ['which', 'ctdb']
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:346 WARN *** [ctdb] skipping due to BinaryDependency (ctdb)
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [Inflater] <ajenti.ui.inflater.Inflater object at 0x2081610>
17.03.2014 00:06 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [UI] <ajenti.ui.UI object at 0x241e6d0>
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout main:file-dialog-save
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout main:file-dialog
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout main:input-dialog
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout plugins:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:listitem
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout notepad:config
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout terminal:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout terminal:config
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:dash
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:welcome
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout dashboard:text
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout services:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout services:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout services:bar
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:progressbar-widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:value-widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:cpu-widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout sensors:cpu-line
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout resolv:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout hddtemp:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout cron:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-copydir
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-execute
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout tasks:params-rsync
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout webserver_common:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:ldap-sync-config
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout configurator:ad-sync-config
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout users:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout users:user-list
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout fm:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout fm:config
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout ajenti_org:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout ajenti_org:config
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout smartctl:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout scripts:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:iio-widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout fstab:free-widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout taskmgr:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-address
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-custom
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-reject-with
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-ports
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-interface
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-protocol
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-match
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-state
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout iptables:option-port
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout hdparm:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:row
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:installer
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout packages:headers
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout network:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout network:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ifupdown
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-basic
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-dhcp
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout network:bit-linux-ipv4
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout exports:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout db_common:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout samba:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout power:widget
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout raid:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout hosts:main
17.03.2014 00:06 inflater.py:37 DEBUG Precaching layout logs:main
17.03.2014 00:06 core.py:87 INFO Starting server on (u'', 8000)
17.03.2014 00:06 core.py:112 ERROR Could not bind to (u'', 8000)
Так написано же - Could not bind to (u'', 8000)
Порт занят чем-то (наверное сервисом? service ajenti stop)
Порты разные пробовал ошибка - одна и таже
/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gevent/socket.py:795: DeprecationWarning: gevent.sslold is deprecated; use gevent.ssl instead (install ssl package from PyPI)
Проблема известная - либо обновить python-gevent, python-greenlet, либо установить самые свежие из PyPI