Problem with php-modules gd / MySQL PDO extension

Ralf Frischknecht 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 2
I tried to install Piwik and Concrete5 but I had twice the same problem: I cannot load those two extentions. I have activated the PHP Fast CGI with the following settings under PHP ini values:
open_basedir = none;

Is this the wrong way or do I have to setup more that the extensions getting loaded?

I think that there's a config or right problem. I put in every possible config field some letters but the files like ajenti-v-php-fcgi-c5-php-fcgi-0.sock were empty.

I also get an error when I try to access files over the File Manger "[Errno 6] No such device or adress u'/var/run/ajenti-v-php-fcgi-c5-..."
I switched over to Ubuntu and made a complete reinstall. Everything works fine now.