can't connect root after OS (ubuntu) user sync

Marc-Antoine Brenac 11 år siden opdateret af Marc Bertens 9 år siden 3
my root user account is kinda frozen after I sync up the accounts.
I wonder if there is a reset mechanism in order to save a corrupted configuration ?


If you have enabled OS sync, you now need to use password of OS' root user to log into Ajenti.
If you have enabled OS sync, you now need to use password of OS' root user to log into Ajenti.
I've found only one solution ...to reverse the config,
editing  "/etc/ajenti/config.json" file by deleting this line 
---> "ajenti.users.UserManager": "{\"sync-provider\": \"unix\"}", <----
In the password field delete the whole hashtag and insert your password manualy(text), thats it.

Ran into this problem as well, on a debian/ubuntu system root access is always via sudo. Therefore it would be useful when user OS sync is enabled, that Ajenti gives root access for the users that are in the sudo group. Using user name root is a security issue (see link http://superuser.com/questions/666942/why-it-is-not-recommend-to-use-root-login-in-linux )
in case of user OS sync the root user should be disabled.

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