gUnicorn don't load
venv python 3 (pyenvwrapper)
gunicorn 19.3.0
nginx 1.9.4
debian 8.2
Ajenti don't load gunicorn 111: Connection refused. (502 Bad Gateway)
Socket is open, but no gunicorn proccess.
First: ajenti - gunicorn conflict with port [fixed]. Add to config another port.
Start test with default loading application. Test is success. gunicorn --threads 2 --bind
Proxy_pass added to ajenti config of nginx. But problem is not fixed.
What i do to fix problem with gunicorn?
Ajenti-v config is similar of http://support.ajenti.org/topic/403351-setting-up-a-python-website-with-ajenti-v-django-example/
venv python 3 (pyenvwrapper)
gunicorn 19.3.0
nginx 1.9.4
debian 8.2
Ajenti don't load gunicorn 111: Connection refused. (502 Bad Gateway)
Socket is open, but no gunicorn proccess.
First: ajenti - gunicorn conflict with port [fixed]. Add to config another port.
Start test with default loading application. Test is success. gunicorn --threads 2 --bind
Proxy_pass added to ajenti config of nginx. But problem is not fixed.
What i do to fix problem with gunicorn?
Ajenti-v config is similar of http://support.ajenti.org/topic/403351-setting-up-a-python-website-with-ajenti-v-django-example/
Customer support service by UserEcho