Update to php-fpm 5.6 and mysql 5.5?

Ivan Nikolaev 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1


I'm wondering about upgrading to php-fpm 5.6 and mysql 5.5. an CentOS 6.7 machine.

Will ajenti support such update?

yum search ajenti

gives me

ajenti-repo.noarch : RPM Package containing Ajenti repository file and GPG Key
ajenti-v.noarch : Virtual hosting solution for Ajenti
ajenti-v-ftp-pureftpd.noarch : PureFTPd support for Ajenti V
ajenti-v-ftp-vsftpd.noarch : VSFTPD support for Ajenti V
ajenti-v-mail.noarch : Mail for Ajenti V
ajenti-v-mysql.noarch : MySQL support for Ajenti V
ajenti-v-nginx.noarch : NGINX support for Ajenti V
ajenti-v-nodejs.noarch : Node.JS support for Ajenti V
ajenti-v-php-fpm.noarch : PHP support for Ajenti V (via PHP-FPM)
ajenti-v-php5.6-fpm.noarch : PHP5.6 support for Ajenti V (via PHP-FPM / ppa:ondrej/php)
ajenti-v-php7.0-fpm.noarch : PHP support for Ajenti V (via PHP-FPM / ppa:ondrej/php)
ajenti-v-python-gunicorn.noarch : Python support for Ajenti V (via gunicorn)
ajenti-v-ruby-puma.noarch : Ruby support for Ajenti V (via Puma.io)
ajenti-v-ruby-unicorn.noarch : Ruby support for Ajenti V (via Unicorn)
ajenti.noarch : The server administration panel

Will ajenti-v-php5.6-fpm.noarch : PHP5.6 support for Ajenti V (via PHP-FPM / ppa:ondrej/php) upgrade php-fpm to 5.6 or i have to do it manually?

from here https://geekflare.com/install-upgrade-php-fpm-5-6-on-centos-6/

And what about upgrading to mysql 5.5? Now its 5.1.73. Will ajenti allow me to use latest mysql version without any manual fixes?

from here https://webtatic.com/packages/mysql55/

Thanks in advance.


After 10h of trying different manuals and restoring my vps from backup i have managed to upgrade php and mysql.

If You are interested, here is how to:

Install the following repos: EPEL, RPMForge

1. Add remi repository for CentOS 6 (full repo list)

rpm -Uvh http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm

2. Add IUS repository for CentOS 6 (full repo list)

rpm -Uvh https://centos6.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm

3. Edit

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo

And under [remi-php56] change to enabled=1

4. Make an update

yum --enablerepo=remi update

This will update mysql to 5.5 and php-fpm to 5.6.19 with all dependencies.
