
Looking for Official Road Map For Ajenti Project

Software Plant 12 років тому оновлено happyhardik 10 років тому 4

Generally open source projects have road map and it's timeline releases, but it is not must. If it is there it will help for new users and built trust.



That would be indeed great, if I weren't Ajenti's only current developer.


That would be indeed great, if I weren't Ajenti's only current developer.


I would be interested in working on a road map. My day job is a project scheduler so I could definitely work with you to map out the activities and milestones that should be met and put a timeline in place for completion. brendan.paradis at me.com if you're interested!

Maybe would be good to start a kickstarter campaign to get contributions to help pay you to be able to work on it more or even hire someone to help...

I know one open source project I work on, Observium, the dev started a kickstarter campaign for help support him focusing full time on the project to make alerts, etc, and he raised even more than he planned on.

Just a thought .... I know I 100% would donate.  Unfortunately time is one thing i'm short on otherwise I would be contributing