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simply you just go to you configure tab, and change the port, save the settings, restart ajenti
like me, i change the port to 7463
If you wann use , my.domain/ajenti
you should follow this config

server { 
    client_max_body_size 20m; 
    location ~ /ajenti.* { 
        rewrite (/ajenti)$ / break; 
        rewrite /ajenti/(.*) /$1 break; 
        proxy_redirect / /ajenti/; 
        proxy_set_header Host $host; 
        proxy_set_header Origin http://$host; 
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; 
        proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; 
        proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; 
You can further improve performance by making Ajenti listen on a UNIX socket. For that, set Host in Configure > General to something like /var/run/ajenti.sock, and replace <code>proxy_pass URL with http://unix:/var/run/ajenti.sock

ok, very well, im glad to hear it
please explain more and clearly

ajenti به تنهایی فقط کنترل پنل سرور هیچ ربطی به سایت و اینا نداره
اگه میخوای سایت راه اندازی کنی
باید ejenti-v نصب کنی
خواهشا بیشتر توضیح دهید ، منظور شما از تنظیم کردن دی ان اس چیه؟
اگه منظورت وصل کردن دامنه و راه اندازی دی ان اس سرور
باید bind نصب کنی
hey Wiki
did you install ajenti-v? or just ajenti
you should install ajenti-v , for webiste section,
there is tutorial for installing ajenti-v for Ubuntu
there is tutorial for adding site and seting up php site

and for dns record,please explain more, i dont know what you exactly mean by set dns records

sorry for my bad english,Be Well
that's something obvious,and every body knows it well, but thanks for your tutorial
any way ,please dont post your tutorial or tips in ideas category,

sorry for my bad english ,Be Well
last update was 18 days ago ,and and the others update ajenti every month i think,
but there is no official update, and there is no one active in this forum , no one writing documention or reply to the bugs or questions
i solved it, chane the owner of /srv directory to www-data ,