
Permission denied php-fpm socket

Arthur Wiebe 10 years ago updated by Константин Носов 9 years ago 7
Because of a recent PHP update I started getting error in nginx saying it couldn't connect to the upstream PHP-FPM socket.

See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23443398/nginx-... and https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67060 for details.

The fix for this is to add the following to each FPM socket config:

listen.owner = www-data
listen.group = www-data

So for example:

user = www-data
group = www-data
listen.owner = www-data
listen.group = www-data
listen = /var/run/php-fcgi-websitename-php-fcgi-0.sock

Would you be able to include that config as part of the Ajenti generated config so that it's compatible with the latest PHP security settings.

This is becoming a major issue. And there is no place in Ajenti V to add config to the FPM configuration directly.
Under review
The latest versions of Ajenti V packages already have this fixed.
Ah yes I see that. Is there a change log that you guys have available somewhere?
Unfortunately while Ajenti V is beta, we only have commit log on https://github.com/Eugeny/ajenti-v/commits
Is there any way to change that part of config in current release? Please help to fin how.
I need to change
listen = /var/run/php-fcgi-websitename-php-fcgi-0.sock
listen =;

but unfortunately ajenti rewrites my changes when restarts