My custom Plugin not working
I wrote a test plugin based on Ajenti dev doc, but it look like not working correctly. I have an add button, but when I click on it, nothing happen (it should pop an entry)
Can someone look into these and help me why I click Add button, nothing happen
I wrote a test plugin based on Ajenti dev doc, but it look like not working correctly. I have an add button, but when I click on it, nothing happen (it should pop an entry)
#main.py from ajenti.api import * from ajenti.ui.binder import Binder import logging from ajenti.plugins.main.api import SectionPlugin class JungleCreature(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name @plugin class Jungle (SectionPlugin): def init(self): self.title = _('Jungle') self.icon = 'globe' self.category = _('System') #self.jc = JungleCreature("Bot name", "config") self.append(self.ui.inflate('jungle:main')) self.find('jc').new_item = lambda c: JungleCreature('animal name') self.binder = Binder(None, self.find('3Dapp')) self.refresh() def refresh(self): self.binder.update() self.binder.setup(self).populate() def on_page_load(self): self.refresh() |
#init.py from ajenti.api import * from ajenti.plugins import * info = PluginInfo( title='Jungle', icon=None, dependencies=[ PluginDependency('main'), PluginDependency('services'), ], ) def init(): import main |
#main.xml layout <body> <pad id="3Dapp" binder:context="3D App"> <label text="3D App" stype="bold"/> <formline> <button icon="plus" style="mini" bind="__add" /> <bind:collection bind="jc" id="jc"> <dt bind="__items" width="300"> <dtr header="True"> <dth text="Name" /> </dtr> </dt> <bind:template> <dtr> <dtd><textbox bind="name" /></dtd> </dtr> </bind:template> </bind:collection> </formline> </pad> <button id="save" text="{Save}" icon="ok" /> </body> |
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self.binder = Binder(self, self.find('3Dapp'))
Dont understand why