
Hello! I am wanting to add the Panel as a subdomain of panel.ideahosts.com.br. Hiding the port 8000. Would this be possible? Thank you.

Ramon Alonso Costa 9 years ago updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 9 years ago 5
Hello! I am wanting to add the Panel as a subdomain of panel.ideahosts.com.br. Hiding the port 8000. Would this be possible? Thank you.
Hello! I am wanting to add the Panel as a subdomain of panel.ideahosts.com.br. Hiding the port 8000. Would this be possible? Thank you.
That's something you can do with DNS. Just forward the subdomain panel.XXX.XXX.XX to port 8000. If you can't figure out how to do, get in touch with your ISP. He can help you with that.
Under review
That's not what DNS is for. OP needs to set up a reverse proxy vhost on their webserver. See http://support.ajenti.org/topic/472359-ajenti-behind-apache/ or http://support.ajenti.org/topic/349870-ajenti-behind-nginx/
yeah dns will not help

use reverse proxy