Є відповідь

Ajenti fresh install missing a lot of dependencies

onlineth 10 років тому оновлено Skaag Argonius 8 років тому 2
I just did a fresh install Ajenti V on CentOS and when I go to the plugins page I see that a lot of dependencies are missing for some of the plugins. Is there any fast way to install all of these dependencies or will I have to go one by one installing them?


Є відповідь
Click on the plugin item to expand it and use the quick install button there.
Thank you
Позначка задоволеності від onlineth 10 років тому
Є відповідь
Click on the plugin item to expand it and use the quick install button there.

There is no such button on my ajenti install... I just see the items with an X next to them, and there's no way to fix it...