Under review

Ajenti v + Unicorn + RVM

Edgar Damasceno 11 years ago updated by arkhej 5 years ago 3
Good morning,
After of the "ajenti v" Installation, the option "puma" does not appear, only "unicorn".
How do I configure an application with rails, rvm and unicorn?
My application uses version 1.9.3 via rvm.

The stack: http://pastebin.com/RJL9ay9s


Under review
You need to install ajenti-v-ruby-puma package. It also looks like you're using Bundler, but Bundler is only supported with Puma server (not Unicorn).
I have a similar situation.

Regarding settings with Puma
1. Was installed package ajenti-v-ruby-puma (This has been verified on Ubuntu 14.04.1(2) and Debian 7.8)
2. Gemfile -> gem 'puma' 
3. bundle install

In this case there are no settings in the panel about Puma:
1. Is There

2. And here

Regarding settings with Unicorn:

With the installation is no problem, but I get the following 502 error  when trying to enter the site -

Could you help with the solution of these problems?


Did you solve this?