Not a bug

Ubuntu 12.10 doesn't remember settings, or install plugins / permissions issue?

Fredfree 12 years ago updated by Eugene Pankov (Project coordinator) 11 years ago 3

I have an issue with Ajenti at startup after installation on Ubuntu 12.10 server. It starts up asking to change the username and password, at each startup and doesn't save the previous one. Also it opens up the plugins page and doesn't install any, on reboot I'm back at square one.

Is this a permissions issue? 

Any advice please?


Not a bug

Please upgrade to 1.0 beta (see our website for instructions)

I have the same issue. Suggestions?

Not a bug

Please upgrade to 1.0 beta (see our website for instructions)

I am already running on 1,0 beta and am having this problem, so I don't think that was the cause. Any further suggestions?

1.0 beta doesn't show password change / plugin selection screens on start, are you sure you're running beta?