
ajenti on beagle bone black

Florian Reinhard 11 years ago updated by Mistril 10 years ago 2


I managed to get ajenti running on a beagle bone black, here's the how:

# first download ajenti to your local pc and copy it to your bbb, note bbb's wget can't handle https

wget https://github.com/Eugeny/ajenti/archive/master.zip

scp master.zip root@<your-bbb>:/tmp

# ssh to your bbb

ssh root@<your-bbb>

# now install ajentis dependencies

opkg install python-distutils python-resource python-setuptools python-lxml libevent-dev

wget http://hg.python.org/cpython/raw-file/4ebe1ede981e/Lib/py_compile.py -O /usr/lib/python2.7/py_compile.py

npm install -g coffee-script

npm install -g less

cd /tmp

unzip master.zip

cd ajenti

python setup.py install

ajenti-panel -v

# now open http://<your-bbb>:8000/

Some notes:

if you want to keep your bbb clean, install coffee-script and less on your local machine, extract the .zip file and run "python compile_resources.py nocompress", zip the folder again and copy it to your bbb



Hi Florian!

I think it's a better idea to just run 'pip install ajenti', which does the same thing, except that it downloads precompiled LESS and Coffeescript files from PyPI


Hi Florian!

I think it's a better idea to just run 'pip install ajenti', which does the same thing, except that it downloads precompiled LESS and Coffeescript files from PyPI

Just for the sake of anybody looking for the how to...here is how i did it. And i think installing a webadmin package should be the first thing you do after installing Ubuntu on your BBB. It sure saves a lot of time searching through config files and typing command line commands to get all the settings on the BBB right.

First, I installed Ubuntu 14.04 on my BBB. Then i had to change

Acquire::GzipIndexes "true";"


Acquire::GzipIndexes "false";"

(see also: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/beagleboar...)

Here is how i did it:
Fired up Filezilla (FTP client) on my windows machine and got to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d
I openend the file "02compress-indexes" with Filezilla in my windows editor (Notepad++ in my case) and made the change mentioned above. After saving the file and closing my editor Filezilla asks to upload the changed file to my BBB. Of course i clicked yes.

Then i used ssh to log into my BBB and ran
wget -O- https://raw.github.com/Eugeny/ajenti/master/script... | sudo sh
which i found on http://support.ajenti.org/topic/349868-installing-...

Tadaa! It works. Great!