
Can not connect when using SSL on CentOS

Jip J. Dekker 9 years ago updated by mozzi zadok 8 years ago 2

I'm trying to set up Ajenti on my home server but I've run into a problem. When I try to run Ajenti with SSL enabled, I get the message from my browser: "Unable to connect".

It's perfectly fine if I run in without SSL on the same port (and yes I did change to url to include https, otherwise I get the connection was reset message the first time).

I'm running on CentOS 7, running ajenti version v1.2.22.13.

To add to the weirdness, when running with SSL from commandline (ajenti-panel), the program crashes (it doesn't when running without SSL). But when running through systemd, the status of Ajenti remains running, even when using SSL.

I hope someone could explain what's going on, and how to solve it.

Thanks in advance

So I still don't know what the problem is. But as I was already running various reverse proxies, I put together one for Ajenti as well using the socket and Let's Encrypt certificate. (The config in the knowledge base was a big help.)

The problem is avoided but not really solved. Should you guys need more information to prevent this from hapening in future version, let me know.

I have the same problem.

Ajenti on centos7 crash (Segmentation fault) with SSL enable true when trying to connect to the panel port.

verbose run (debug last lines)

ajenti-panel -v


14.05.2016 06:04 core.py:99 INFO Starting server on (u'', 8000)
14.05.2016 06:04 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [SessionMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0x48294d0>
14.05.2016 06:04 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [AuthenticationMiddleware] <ajenti.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware object at 0x482ae90>
14.05.2016 06:04 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [CentralDispatcher] <ajenti.routing.CentralDispatcher object at 0x482af10>
14.05.2016 06:04 core.py:134 INFO SSL enabled: /etc/ajenti/ajenti.pem
14.05.2016 06:04 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [IPCServer] <ajenti.ipc.IPCServer object at 0x4830250>
14.05.2016 06:04 __init__.py:207 DEBUG Root context instantiated [Licensing] <ajenti.licensing.Licensing object at 0x4830390>
14.05.2016 06:04 feedback.py:30 DEBUG Feedback >> ping ({'edition': 'vanilla+vh', 'version': '', 'os': 'centos', 'id': 216839})
14.05.2016 06:04 feedback.py:35 DEBUG Feedback << {"status": "ok"}
Segmentation fault